I'm having trouble running running a pool starmap command on a function shown in the code below. I receive the error AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'Class_Name.Function_Outer.<locals>.Function_inner.<locals>.Function_Inner2'
Note it seems to be the starmap
command itself causing the issue. I'm not sure if my inputs are wrong or what - normally it works for me.
Here is the code that seems to be causing the problem
from fabric import connection
import multiprocessing as mp
paths = ["/path/to/filename.txt", "/path/to/filename2.txt"]
pi_addresses = ["", ""]
def Inner_make_files(self, pi_addresses, paths):
#This list just creates a list of Raspberry Pis to SSH into with the fabric module
pi_list = [connection.Connection(x, port=22, user="pi",
connect_kwargs={"password" : “Raspberry”}) for x in self.pi_addresses]
barrier = mp.Barrier(len(self.pi_list))
def Inner2_create_file(self, pi, path):
nonlocal barrier
pi.run(“raspistill -o {}”.format(path)) #Creates a new photo on the Pis
pi.get(path, path) #Retrieves new file that was made
pool = mp.Pool(processes = len(pi_list))
pool.starmap(Inner2_create_file, zip(pi_list, paths))
The print
statements output two lists, one of the photos and one of the connections. Both lists are two items long.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.