CTE查询中出现错误“无法从存储过程中选择RDB $ DB_KEY”

时间:2018-07-21 15:46:05

标签: sql firebird common-table-expression firebird2.5

运行Firebird SQL 2.5.6


select guarantor_id, guarantor_first, guarantor_last,  chart, patient_First, 
patient_last, pcp, copaybalance, status_pat, effective_dor, elapsed, case 
when elapsed <30 then '0-30' when elapsed <60 then '31-60' when elapsed <90 
then '61-90' when elapsed <120 then '91-120'  else '121+' end as bucket from

select guarantor_id, first_name as guarantor_first, last_name as 
guarantor_last, patno as chart, fname as patient_First, lname as 
patient_last, addr_id as pcp,  copaybalance, status_pat, effective_dor,
datediff(day, cast(effective_dor as date), cast('today' as date)) as elapsed

select at1.*, at2.date1 as dor, at2.cptcode as orig_cpt, case when at2.date1 
is null then at1.date1 else at2.date1 end as effective_dor, fname,lname, 
guarantor_id, register.addr_id, first_name, last_name, status_pat from
(select patno, invoiceno, trnsxno, date1, cptcode, copaybalance from 
archive_Transactions where archive_flag = 1 and cptcode not in 
('1','2','4','RETCHK') and copaybalance >= 0.01)  at1
left outer join (Select * from archive_transactions where archive_flag = 1 
and cptcode not in ('1','2')) at2 on at2.txnopaid = at1.trnsxno
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
inner join contact on contact.id = register.guarantor_id
order by patno


with b as 

select guarantor_id, guarantor_first, guarantor_last,  chart, patient_First, 
patient_last, pcp, copaybalance, status_pat, effective_dor, elapsed, case 
when elapsed <30 then '0-30' when elapsed <60 then '31-60' when elapsed <90 
then '61-90' when elapsed <120 then '91-120'  else '121+' end as bucket from

select guarantor_id, first_name as guarantor_first, last_name as 
guarantor_last, patno as chart, fname as patient_First, lname as p 
patient_last, addr_id as pcp,  copaybalance, status_pat, effective_dor,
datediff(day, cast(effective_dor as date), cast('today' as date)) as elapsed

select at1.*, at2.date1 as dor, at2.cptcode as orig_cpt, case when at2.date1 
is null then at1.date1 else at2.date1 end as effective_dor, fname,lname, 
guarantor_id, register.addr_id, first_name, last_name, status_pat from
(select patno, invoiceno, trnsxno, date1, cptcode, copaybalance from 
archive_Transactions where archive_flag = 1 and cptcode not in 
('1','2','4','RETCHK') and copaybalance >= 0.01)  at1
left outer join (Select * from archive_transactions where archive_flag = 1 
and cptcode not in ('1','2')) at2 on at2.txnopaid = at1.trnsxno
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
inner join contact on contact.id = register.guarantor_id
order by patno

select * from b


SQL error code = -607
Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure
SQL warning code =301
DATE date type is now called TIMESTAMP
SQL warning code = 301
DATE data type is now called TIMESTAMP


with myAging as 
select patno,fname,lname, sum(copaybalance) as pat_owed, min(e_dor) as 
eff_pat_dor, guarantor_id
select patno, fname,lname, trnsxno, date1, cptcode, copaybalance, 
max(effective_dor) as e_dor, guarantor_id from
select at1.*, at2.date1 as dor, at2.cptcode as orig_cpt, case when at2.date1 
is null then at1.date1 else at2.date1 end as effective_dor, fname,lname, 
guarantor_id from
(select patno, invoiceno, trnsxno, date1, cptcode, copaybalance from 
archive_Transactions where archive_flag = 1 and cptcode not in 
('1','2','4','RETCHK') and copaybalance >= 0.01)  at1
left outer join (Select * from archive_transactions where archive_flag = 1 
and cptcode not in ('1','2')) at2 on at2.txnopaid = at1.trnsxno
inner join register on register.patno = at1.patno
order by patno
group by patno, fname,lname, trnsxno, date1, cptcode, copaybalance, 
) group by patno,fname,lname, guarantor_id

select a.*, m.fam_dor, m2.fam_owed
select guarantor_id, guarantor, address_1, address_2, city, state, zip_code, 
patno, ma.fname,ma.lname,ma.pat_owed,ma.eff_pat_dor
select patno, ( first_name || case when middle_name = '' then ' ' when m 
middle_name is null then ' ' else (' ' || middle_name || ' ') end  ||  
as guarantor,  contact.address_1, contact.address_2, contact.city, c 
contact.state, contact.zip_code, copaybal, guarantor_id from register 
inner join contact on contact.id = register.guarantor_id
where copaybal >= 0.01
 ) g
left outer join (select patno, fname, lname, pat_owed,eff_pat_dor from 
myAging) ma on ma.patno = g.patno

order by guarantor_id
) a
inner join
(select guarantor_id, min(eff_pat_dor) as fam_dor from myAging group by 
guarantor_id) m on m.guarantor_id = a.guarantor_id
inner join
(select guarantor_id, sum(pat_owed) as fam_owed from myAging group by 
guarantor_id) m2 on m2.guarantor_id = a.guarantor_id


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