JS-Plumb :(重新)单击

时间:2018-07-19 15:39:40

标签: javascript jquery jsplumb


Basic visual connection

我在此Stackoverflow thread的基础上构建并使其基本工作,但是那里提供的代码允许多个连接,即JSPlumb绘制了多个端点和线,如果首先单击“目标”,它不会做出反应。 但是,在我的情况下,严格来说应该只有一个连接,并且当我单击任一侧的另一个列表项时,JSPlumb应该重新连接。 (例如,我单击“源1”和“目标3”,​​JSPlumb绘制连接。我单击“目标4”,JSPlumb应将“源1”保留为源,并将“目标4”重新设置为目标,例如现在从“源1”到“目标4”绘制连接。单击不同的“源”也是如此,即目标应保持不变。)



jQuery(document).ready(function () {  
   var targetOption = {
        anchor: "LeftMiddle",
        isSource: false,
        isTarget: true,
        reattach: true,
        endpoint: "Dot",
        connector: ["Bezier", {
                   curviness: 50}],
        setDragAllowedWhenFull: true

    var sourceOption = {
        tolerance: "touch",
        anchor: "RightMiddle",
        maxConnections: 1,
        isSource: true,
        isTarget: false,
        reattach: true,
        endpoint: "Dot",
        connector: ["Bezier", {
                   curviness: 50}],
        setDragAllowedWhenFull: true

        ConnectionsDetachable: true,
        ReattachConnections: true,
        Container: 'page_connections'

    //current question clicked on
    var questionSelected = null;
    var questionEndpoint = null;

    //remember the question you clicked on
    jQuery("#select_list_lebensbereiche ul > li").click( function () {

        //remove endpoint if there is one
        if( questionSelected !== null )

        //add new endpoint
        questionSelected = jQuery(this)[0];
        questionEndpoint = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(questionSelected, sourceOption);

    //now click on an answer to link it with previously selected question
    jQuery("#select_list_wirkdimensionen ul > li").click( function () {

        //we must have previously selected question
        //for this to work
        if( questionSelected !== null )
            //create endpoint
            var answer = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(jQuery(this)[0], targetOption);

            //link it
            jsPlumb.connect({ source: questionEndpoint, target: answer }); 
            questionSelected = null;
            questionEndpoint = null;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您已经在全局变量中跟踪链接项的“源”端;一种实现所需行为的方法通常只需要以相同的方式跟踪“目标”端即可。 (有改进的空间-全局变量可能不是理想的策略,“源”和“目标”点击处理程序之间存在一些代码重复,但这至少应该用于演示。)

  // ...other init variables skipped

  var questionEndpoints = []; // 'source' and 'target' endpoints

  // "source" click handler
  jQuery("#select_list_lebensbereiche ul > li").click(function() {
    //remove existing start endpoint, if any:
    // add a new one on the clicked element:
    questionEndpoints[0] = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(jQuery(this), sourceOption);

  // "target" endpoint
  jQuery("#select_list_wirkdimensionen ul > li").click(function() {
    if (!questionEndpoints[0]) return; // don't respond if a source hasn't been selected
    // remove existing endpoint if any
    //create a new one:
    questionEndpoints[1] = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(jQuery(this), targetOption);

  var connectEndpoints = function() {
      source: questionEndpoints[0],
      target: questionEndpoints[1]

Working CodePen example