
时间:2018-07-19 07:57:21

标签: android android-recyclerview kotlin



enter image description here

class Fragmenttask : Fragment(), SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {

    private var mListener: OnFragmentInteractionListener? = null
    private var mSwipeRefreshLayout: SwipeRefreshLayout? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater?, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        val CustumViewtask = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_fragmenttask, container, false)
        val taskMainRV = CustumViewtask.findViewById(R.id.recyclerView_main) as RecyclerView

        taskMainRV.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
        //recyclerView_main.adapter = MainAdapter()


        return CustumViewtask

    override fun onRefresh() {
        Toast.makeText(context, "تم التحميل بنجاح والحمد لله", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

    override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) {
        inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu_user, menu)
        val searchItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search)
        val searchView = MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem) as SearchView
        searchView.queryHint = "أكتب كلمة بحث ..."

        searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
            override fun onQueryTextChange(q: String): Boolean {
                println("my serch : $q")
                println("mohamed 78797987897987987987987987987987987987897")
                return false

            override fun onQueryTextSubmit(q: String): Boolean {
                println("my serch : $q")

                println("mohamed 78797987897987987987987987987987987987897**************")
                return false

    fun onQueryTextChange(query: String): Boolean {
        // Here is where we are going to implement the filter logic
        return false

    fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String): Boolean {
        return false

    fun fetchJson(RSV: RecyclerView) {

        val MY_APP_INFO: String = "UserInfo"
        val prefs = activity.getSharedPreferences(MY_APP_INFO, AppCompatActivity.MODE_PRIVATE)
        val LoggedUserId = prefs.getString("UserId", null)
        var serchqury = arguments.getString("serchqury")

            serchqury = ""
        println(serchqury+" ------------**/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ ")
        println("your code is : $LoggedUserId")

        println("Attempting to Fetch JSON")

        val url = "http://www.deraah-rs.com/1mahamatonline/html/Restful/get_tasks.php"

        val client = OkHttpClient()

        val formBody = FormBody.Builder().add("UserId", LoggedUserId)
                                                    .add("serchqury", serchqury).build()

        val request = Request.Builder().url(url)

        client.newCall(request).enqueue(object: Callback {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call?, response: Response?) {
                val body = response?.body()?.string()
                println("mohamed : $body")

                val gson = GsonBuilder().create()

                val tasksfeed = gson.fromJson(body, M_tasksFeed::class.java)

                activity.runOnUiThread {
                    RSV.adapter = MainAdaptertasks(tasksfeed)
                    if(taskfragmentprogressbar != null){
                        taskfragmentprogressbar.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
                    //ChatAdapter(Context, tasksfeed)


            override fun onFailure(call: Call?, e: IOException?) {
                println("Failed to execute request")

    // TODO: Rename method, update argument and hook method into UI event
    fun onButtonPressed(uri: Uri) {
        if (mListener != null) {

    companion object {
        fun newInstance(): Fragmenttask {
            val fragment = Fragmenttask()
            val args = Bundle()
            fragment.arguments = args
            return fragment
}// Required empty public constructor

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