
时间:2018-07-17 12:14:03

标签: html excel vba excel-vba email

我从Excel工作表中抓取了一个单元格区域,但是我想为该区域中的每个单元格添加一个字符串 + 打开html ,然后添加<我从Excel工作表中抓取到的strong> 1单元格,然后添加结束html ,最后移至该范围内的 2单元格。对下一个字符串重复此过程+打开html +单元格2 +关闭html。

我当前使用的方法是错误的,因为它每次都将 ALL 字符串,html和当前单元格放置到主体,然后移至该范围内的单元格2! >


Sub Email_Figures_Click()

    'Lets dim the things we need
    Dim CDO_Mail As Object
    Dim CDO_Config As Object
    Dim SMTP_Config As Variant
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strFrom As String
    Dim strTo As String
    Dim strCc As String
    Dim strBcc As String
    Dim myRng As Range

    'To begin with, we want a clean Range, meaning nothing inside
    Set myRng = Nothing

    'So I am setting the cells I wish to use from the Excel Sheet Monthly Figures
    Set myRng = Sheets("Monthly Figures").Range("B5,B6,B8,B9,B10,B11,B12,B13,B15,B17,B18,B19,B20,B22,B23,B25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

    'Error Handling message, just incase
    If myRng Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected" & _
               vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
        Exit Sub
    End If

    html_text = _
        "<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>"


    For Each Row In myRng.Rows
        For Each cell In Row.Cells
            html_text = html_text & _
                "<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & "</font></br></br>"
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & "</font></br>"
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Cash Sales Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
            html_text = html_text & _
                "Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
                cell.Text & _
        Next cell
    Next Row

    'Some more sexy error handling
    Set CDO_Mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    On Error GoTo Error_Handling

    'Sets our SMTP settings so we can send emails....and stuff.
    Set CDO_Config = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
    CDO_Config.Load -1

    Set SMTP_Config = CDO_Config.Fields

    With SMTP_Config
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "**HIDDEN**"
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "HIDDEN"
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "HIDDEN"
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
        .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
    End With

    'This is where I made myself a cup of tea because I was getting tired! :D
    With CDO_Mail
        Set .Configuration = CDO_Config
    End With

    'And finally this is the email subject, to, from, body, cc, and any bcc
    CDO_Mail.Subject = "HIDDEN"
    CDO_Mail.From = "HIDDEN"
    CDO_Mail.To = "HIDDEN"
    CDO_Mail.HTMLBody = html_text
    CDO_Mail.CC = ""
    CDO_Mail.BCC = ""

    'Send the message

    'Error handling
    If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Sub Print_Figures_Click()
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut ' print
End Sub

注意:该代码已于2018年7月18日更新,以显示正在使用的经过修订的For Each Row In myRng.Rows和HTML,但仍需要进一步的修改。)


' Declare an array with 18 elements including 0 as the first.
Dim my_body_text(17) As String

' Assign values to each element.
my_body_text(0) = _
    "<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>"
my_body_text(1) = my_body_text(0) & _
    "<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(2) = my_body_text(1) & _
    "<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(3) = my_body_text(2) & _
    "Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(4) = my_body_text(3) & _
    "Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(5) = my_body_text(4) & _
    "Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(6) = my_body_text(5) & _
    "Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(7) = my_body_text(6) & _
    "Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(8) = my_body_text(7) & _
    "Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(9) = my_body_text(8) & _
    "Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(10) = my_body_text(9) & _
    "Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(11) = my_body_text(10) & _
    "Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(12) = my_body_text(11) & _
    "Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(13) = my_body_text(12) & _
    "Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(14) = my_body_text(13) & _
    "Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(15) = my_body_text(14) & _
    "Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(16) = my_body_text(15) & _
    "Cash Sales Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _
my_body_text(17) = my_body_text(16) & _
    "Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & _
    cell.Text & _

' Create a 10-element integer array.
Dim i As Integer

' Add info & increase by 1 each time.
For i = 0 To 17
    my_body_text(i) = my_body_text(i) + 1
Next i



此版本正确发送了电子邮件,并正确发送了每个Cell.Text,但是由于某种原因,它没有发送<font>标签或<font>标签中的字符串。 例如:不是将"Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text中的完整字符串Case 10放入html_text中,而是将Month:中的Case 1放在< strong>每次,然后再添加正确更新的<font>。 它几乎可以正常工作...您能告诉我我所缺少的吗?

(还有一种方法也可以复制货币符号吗?因为除了复制的$或£以外,仅显示问号表示货币符号。我知道我想要的unicode是U + 0E3F。这可以吗?放在字符串中?)



Image of Email output


Summary dummy data



注释和更新: 与CSS样式相关的html似乎不起作用。例如:'Begin Email button Sub Email_Figures_Click() 'Dims the things we need Dim CDO_Mail As Object Dim CDO_Config As Object Dim SMTP_Config As Variant Dim strSubject As String Dim strFrom As String Dim strTo As String Dim strCc As String Dim strBcc As String Dim myRng As Range Dim CaseRange As Integer 'To begin with, we want a clean Range, meaning nothing inside Set myRng = Nothing 'So I am setting the cells I wish to use from the Excel Sheet Monthly Figures Set myRng = Sheets("Monthly Figures").Range("B2,B5,B6,B8,B9,B10,B11,B12,B13,B15,B17,B18,B19,B20,B22,B23,B25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) 'Error Handling message, just incase If myRng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected" & _ vbNewLine & "please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly Exit Sub End If 'Sets the email body title (inside the html_text) html_text = "<font style='size:22px;weight:bold;'>**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures</font></br></br>" 'Defaults the CaseRange to 1 CaseRange = 1 For Each Row In myRng.Rows 'For each Row For Each Cell In Row.Cells 'And for each cell in the Row Select Case CaseRange 'Select a Case from our CaseRange Case 1 html_text = html_text & "<font style='size:18px;'>Month: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>" Case 2 html_text = html_text & "<font style='size:14px;'>Purchases Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 3 html_text = html_text & "Purchases Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>" Case 4 html_text = html_text & "Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 5 html_text = html_text & "Paid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 6 html_text = html_text & "Unpaid Invoices Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 7 html_text = html_text & "Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 8 html_text = html_text & "Paid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 9 html_text = html_text & "Unpaid Sales Invoices Count: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>" Case 10 html_text = html_text & "Tax Receipts Total: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>" Case 11 html_text = html_text & "Float Money Starting Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 12 html_text = html_text & "Float Money Current Balance: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 13 html_text = html_text & "Float Money In: <font style='weight:bold;color:green;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 14 html_text = html_text & "Float Money Out: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br></br>" Case 15 html_text = html_text & "Cash Sales Total: <font style='weight:bold;color:red;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></br>" Case 16 html_text = html_text & "Months Evaluation: <font style='weight:bold;'>" & Cell.Text & "</font></font></br>" Case Else html_text = html_text & "Error: Cannot find the Case Cell Number to import to email" End Select Next Cell 'Jump to the next cell and repeat the the process Next Row ' Jump to next Row and repeat the process 'error handling Set CDO_Mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") On Error GoTo Error_Handling 'Sets our SMTP settings so we can send emails Set CDO_Config = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") CDO_Config.Load -1 Set SMTP_Config = CDO_Config.Fields 'Settings for sending the email With SMTP_Config .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "**HIDDEN**" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "**HIDDEN**" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "**HIDDEN**" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False .Update End With 'Sets the config With CDO_Mail Set .Configuration = CDO_Config End With 'Defines Email Attributes CDO_Mail.Subject = "**HIDDEN** Monthly Figures" CDO_Mail.From = "**HIDDEN**" CDO_Mail.To = "**HIDDEN**" CDO_Mail.HTMLBody = html_text CDO_Mail.CC = "" CDO_Mail.BCC = "" 'Sends the email CDO_Mail.Send 'Error handling and email sent successfully confirmation Error_Handling: If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description Else MsgBox "Message sent successfully" 'End the button End Sub Sub Print_Figures_Click() ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut ' print End Sub <h3></h>,这些只是不想在“案例选择”中使用。我将不得不使用<font style='weight:bold;color:green;'></font>。话虽如此,它将在正在使用的第一种情况下仅拾取非常第一 HTML标签,然后将其应用于html_text中的所有内容。尽管关闭了HTML标签!




<b><font color='green' size='14'>


Email Output

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



Const colStart As Integer = 5: Const colEnd As Integer = 25
Const rowTitle As Integer = 2: Const rowData As Integer = 3

Dim x As Integer
Dim msg As String
For x = colStart To colEnd
    If Cells(rowTitle, x) <> "" Then
        msg = msg & Cells(rowTitle, x) & _
            "<font style='weight:bold;size:18px;'>" & Cells(rowData, x) & "</font>"
    End If
Next x


Dim strTitles() As String
strTitles = Split("List of titles,and other,things", ",")
Dim x As Integer
For x = colStart To colEnd


For x = colStart To colEnd
    If Worksheets(0).Cells(rowTitle, x) <> "" Then
        msg = msg & Worksheets(0).Cells(rowTitle, x) & _
            "<font style='weight:bold;size:18px;'>" & _
            Worksheets(1).Cells(rowData, x) & _
    End If
Next x


Settings worksheet


Dim strSht As String
Dim row As Integer, cols As Integer, x As Integer
strSheet = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(1,1)
row = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(2,1)
cols = Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(3,1)
For x = 4 to 3 + cols
    msg = msg & _
        "<strong>" & _
            Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(x,1) & _
        "</strong>" & _
        Worksheets(strSht).Cells(row, Worksheets("MySettings").Cells(x,1))
Next x




首先,设计至关重要-您根本不想更改太多的字体设置。与其使用font-size: 22pt; weight: bold;,不如考虑使用<h1>标签。同样,对于稍小的字体,请使用<h2>。对于需要突出的内容,请使用<strong>,对于需要强调的内容,请使用<em>(如果愿意,可以使用<b><i>标签作为标签use是becoming more accepted once again,尽管它与某些人之间是一种爱恨交加的关系,尽管在您的情况下,它们的使用在语义上是特定的)。将字体大小更改太多次会使电子邮件更难以阅读。


使用Select Case

Select Case背后的想法是限制您要做的工作量。就您而言,除非您更改设计,否则这根本行不通。我建议这样做的原因是,尝试并帮助您限制将要进行的重新格式化的数量。

Select Case用于处理较大数量的少量选项。例如,就您而言,您本可以使用...

Const rowHead As Integer = theRowNumberThatHasTheHeadingsOnIt
Dim rowData As Integer, colStart, colEnd
rowData = theRowNumberThatHasTheDataOnIt
colStart = theFirstColumnInTheList
colEnd = theLastColumnInTheList

Dim msgText As String
For x = colStart To colEnd
    Select Case x
        Case 1
            msgText = _
                "<h1>" & _
                    Cell(x, rowData) & _
        Case 2
            msgText = _
                "<h2>" & _
                    Cell(x, rowData) & _
        Case 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16
            msgText = _
                "<strong>" & _
                    Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
                "</strong>" & _
                Cell(x, rowData)
        Case 5, 8, 13
            msgText = _
                "<strong style='color: green;'>" & _
                    Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
                "</strong>" & _
                Cell(x, rowData)
        Case 6, 9, 14, 15
            msgText = _
                "<strong style='color: red;'>" & _
                    Cell(x, rowHead) & ": " & _
                "</strong>" & _
                Cell(x, rowData)
        Case Else
            'Not really necessary, as you really want to skip any columns 
            'that you don't want, but your could put whatever doesn't quite 
            'fit here.
    End Select
    htmlMsg = htmlMsg & msgText
Next x

请注意我使用Select Case语句的方式-如果电子邮件中不需要列表中的特定列,则不要在Case语句行中包含它们,这样会被跳过。


尽管读起来不错,但我会在您的帖子评论中加入PHP switch语句。