编辑:我解决了这个问题!这是一个与我发布的代码无关的问题 - 我在脚本中有一个退出命令 - 但是你的所有建议在其他方面仍有帮助。
//set variable for the userID, grabbed from the session array
$userID = $_SESSION['identifier'];
//write query to get user's e-mail from the database
$getEmail = "SELECT `email` FROM `useraccounts` WHERE `userID` = '".$userID."'";
//execute query
$result = $db->query($getEmail);
//check if query failed
if (!$result)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to find your e-mail address.");
catch (customexception $e)
include 'error.html';
echo $e;
include 'footer.php';
//get the info from the row
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
//check if function ran, catch exception if it failed
if ($row === false)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to get your e-mail address from your user record in the database.");
catch (customexception $e)
include 'error.html';
echo $e;
include 'footer.php';
//set e-mail variable
$email = $row['email'];
//set up e-mail information to send a record of their picks to the user
$toAddress = "$email";
$subject = "Your Picks";
$fromAddress = "From: picks@mysite.com";
//take the info the user submitted, format it for the e-mail, and assign to variable $mailContent
//the $winner1, $spread1, etc. variables are defined earlier in the function, and were successfully submitted into the database
$mailContent = "You picked $winner1 to win by $spread1 points, $winner2 to win by $spread2 points, $winner3 to win by $spread3 points, $winner4 to win by $spread4 points, and $winner5 to win by $spread5 points. \n".
"You can change your picks at any time before 1:00pm EST, February 27, 2011. Just go back to the form on the game page and enter your new picks. Good luck!";
//use wordwrap to limit lines of $mailContent to 70 characters
$mailContent = wordwrap($mailContent, 70);
//send the e-mail
$isMailed = mail($toAddress, $subject, $mailContent, $fromAddress);
//debug: check if mail failed
if (!$isMailed)
echo "Mail failed.";
//debug: echo $email to see if there's anything in there
echo "<p>E-mail: $email</p>";
//debug: echo $toAddress to see if there's anything in there
echo "<p>To address: $toAddress</p>";
//if everything succeeded, write reply and close database
echo $reply;
为了清楚起见,$ userID设置正确,因为他们的选择进入数据库就像他们应该的那样。代码中列出的所有异常都没有出现,这意味着查询似乎已成功运行。我通过从PHP代码复制并直接在MySQL数据库上运行它来再次检查查询。当它直接运行时,它为我输入的每个userID值找到了正确的电子邮件地址。
但邮件永远不会被传递,当我尝试回显$ email和$ toAddress变量时,看看它们是否为空:
//debug: echo $email to see if there's anything in there
echo "<p>E-mail: $email</p>";
//debug: echo $toAddress to see if there's anything in there
echo "<p>To address: $toAddress</p>";
我还尝试使用我的个人电子邮件硬编码代码而不是$ toAddress,并且没有发送邮件。所以邮件功能无效。
我还应该注意到,脚本仍然成功地回应了$ reply(这是一个很早就定义的字符串)。
$getuserID = "SELECT `userID` FROM `useraccounts` WHERE `u_name` = '".$login."' AND `p_word` = SHA1('".$password."')";
$result = $db->query($getuserID);
//check if query ran, catch exception if it failed
if ($result === false)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to find your user ID.");
catch (customexception $e)
include 'error.html';
echo $e;
include 'footer.php';
//get the info from the row
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
//check if function ran, catch exception if it failed
if ($row === false)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to get info from your user record in the database.");
catch (customexception $e)
include 'error.html';
echo $e;
include 'footer.php';
//set userID variable
$userID = $row['userID'];
//assign the session identifier and include successfullogin.html if all is well
$_SESSION['identifier'] = $userID;
//set up static e-mail information
$toAddress = "myemail@mysite.com";
$subject = "Advance Sign-Up";
$mailContent = "Name: $firstName $lastName \n".
"Username: $username \n".
"Password: $password \n".
"E-mail: $email \n".
"Country: $country \n".
"State: $state \n".
"City: $city \n".
"ZIP: $zip \n";
$fromAddress = "From: $email";
mail($toAddress, $subject, $mailContent, $fromAddress);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
$getEmail = "SELECT `email` FROM `useraccounts` WHERE `userID` = '".$userID."'";
$result = $db->query($getEmail);
if (!$result)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to find your e-mail address.");
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
if ($row === false)
throw new customexception("Some kind of database problem occurred when trying to get your e-mail address from your user record in the database.");
$email = $row['email'];
$toAddress = "$email";
$subject = "Your Picks";
$fromAddress = "From: picks@mysite.com";
$mailContent = "yadda yadda yadda";
$mailContent = wordwrap($mailContent, 70);
mail($toAddress, $subject, $mailContent, $fromAddress);
catch (customexception $e)
include 'error.html';
echo $e;
include 'footer.php';
答案 1 :(得分:0)
答案 2 :(得分:0)