获取由PowerShell创建的现有Internet Explorer窗口

时间:2018-07-13 17:17:25

标签: powershell internet-explorer


    $IE = WindowAlreadyCreatedByPowerShell
    $IE = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application; 
    $IE.visible = $true; 

注意:使用((New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Windows).Invoke() | ?{$_.Name -eq "Internet Explorer"}不会返回

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因此,您需要在父范围中存储内容-如果您不想存储IE对象,存储打开的URL,或者甚至不希望存储窗口句柄({{ 1}}属性,应该是唯一的)。否则,您将无法获得获取所需窗口的可靠方法,尤其是如果您的会话也正在打开其他 IE窗口时。


如果您两次运行该命令,但是第二次未将# Variable for the created IE window handle $expectedHWND = $null # This will enumerate all ShellWindows opened as a COM object in your session $allShellWindows = ( New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application ).Windows() # Get the IE object matching the HWND you stored off when you first opened IE # If you opened other windows in the session, the HWND should be unique so you # can get the correct window you are expecting $existingIE = $allShellWindows | Where-Object { $_.HWND -eq $expectedHWND } # Your code, slightly modified if( $existingIE ){ # You should be able to operate on $existingIE here instead of reassigning it to $IE Write-Output "Found existing IE session: HWND - $($existingIE.HWND), URL - $($existingIE.LocationURL)" } else { $IE = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application; $IE.visible = $true; $IE.navigate($url); $expectedHWND = $IE.HWND } 设置为$expectedHWND,它将找到您的IE窗口。请注意,这是避免在父范围中存储变量的大量工作,但在技术上是可行的。
