我有一个代码无法在excel 2013上运行。2010工作正常。
仅在存在此条件的情况下在工作表X中填写值:在工作表A中,如果列a =值1,值2或值3 b列<>值4,<>值5
找到工作表X.列c和工作表Y.列d的数据。将这些用作在工作表Y下一列的查找。对于不匹配的地方,请使用“ OTHERS”作为值。
| conditions | condition 2 | currency | value | stack | overflow |
| value 1 | value 10 | USD | 100 | 100 * (.75 - 1) | |
| value 2 | value 7 | XRP | 200 | 200 * (.50 - 1) | |
| value 3 | value 8 | USD | 300 | | 300*(.65-1) |
| value 1 | value 9 | XRP | 400 | | 400*(.24-1) |
| header | currency | value |
| stack | USD | .75 |
| stack | OTHER | .50 |
| overflow | USD | .65 |
| overflow | OTHER | .24 |
Public Sub calc()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, thisScen As Long, nRows As Long, nCols As Long
Dim stressWS As Worksheet
Set stressWS = Worksheets("EQ_Shocks")
Unprotect_Tab ("EQ_Shocks")
nRows = lastWSrow(stressWS)
nCols = lastWScol(stressWS)
Dim readcols() As Long
ReDim readcols(1 To nCols)
For i = 1 To nCols
readcols(i) = i
Next i
Dim eqShocks() As Variant
eqShocks = colsFromWStoArr(stressWS, readcols, False)
'read in database columns
Dim dataWs As Worksheet
Set dataWs = Worksheets("database")
nRows = lastrow(dataWs)
nCols = lastCol(dataWs)
Dim dataCols() As Variant
Dim riskSourceCol As Long
riskSourceCol = getWScolNum("condition 2", dataWs)
ReDim readcols(1 To 4)
readcols(1) = getWScolNum("value", dataWs)
readcols(2) = getWScolNum("currency", dataWs)
readcols(3) = getWScolNum("condition", dataWs)
readcols(4) = riskSourceCol
dataCols = colsFromWStoArr(dataWs, readcols, True)
'read in scenario mappings
Dim mappingWS As Worksheet
Set mappingWS = Worksheets("mapping_ScenNames")
Dim stressScenMapping() As Variant
ReDim readcols(1 To 2): readcols(1) = 1: readcols(2) = 2
stressScenMapping = colsFromWStoArr(mappingWS, readcols, False, 2) 'include two extra columns to hold column number for IR and CR shocks
For i = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
stressScenMapping(i, 3) = getWScolNum(stressScenMapping(i, 2), dataWs)
If stressScenMapping(i, 2) <> "NA" And stressScenMapping(i, 3) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Could not find " & stressScenMapping(i, 2) & " column in database")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
ReDim readcols(1 To 4): readcols(1) = 1: readcols(2) = 2: readcols(3) = 3: readcols(4) = 4
stressScenMapping = filterOut(stressScenMapping, 2, "NA", readcols)
'calculate stress and write to database
Dim thisEqShocks() As Variant
Dim keepcols() As Long
ReDim keepcols(1 To UBound(eqShocks, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(keepcols)
keepcols(i) = i
Next i
Dim thisCurrRow As Long
For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
thisEqShocks = filterIn(eqShocks, 2, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 1), keepcols)
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "value 4" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "value 5" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value 1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value 2") Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).value = "No shock found"
End If
Next i
Else 'calculate shocks
Call quicksort(thisEqShocks, 3, 1, UBound(thisEqShocks, 1))
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "value 5" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "value 6" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value 1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value 2" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value 3") Then
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol(dataCols(i, 3), 3, thisEqShocks)
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then 'could not find currency so use generic shock
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol("OTHERS", 3, thisEqShocks)
End If
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).value = "No shock found"
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).value = Replace(dataCols(i, 2), "-", 0) * (thisEqShocks(thisCurrRow, 4) - 1)
End If
End If
Next i
End If
Next thisScen
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:4)
=IF(AND(OR($A:$A="value 1",$A:$A="value 2",$A:$A="value 3"),$B:$B<>"value 4",$B:$B<>"value 5"),$D:$D*(IFNA(VLOOKUP(E$1&$C:$C,'Sheet Y'!$E:$F,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(E$1&"OTHER",'Sheet Y'!$E:$F,2,FALSE))-1),"")
$D:$D*(IFNA(VLOOKUP(E$1&$C:$C,'Sheet Y'!$E:$F,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(E$1&"OTHER",'Sheet Y'!$E:$F,2,FALSE))-1)
在帮助程序列中查找“标题”和列C的组合。如果找到组合,则返回其值;否则,将查找“ header”和“ OTHER”的组合,并返回其值以执行计算。
答案 1 :(得分:4)
I read a rubber duck post and was inspired to turn this from script like code into code like code. (i have use type instead of private pVar sorry ducky for failing you in this one LOL) My comment below still stands though. I tested on 5000 cells and this coded executed in under a second on average.
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim startTime As Long
startTime = Tests.GetTickCount
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
With ws.Sort
.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A4:A" & lastRow), Order:=xlAscending
.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B4:B" & lastRow), Order:=xlAscending
.Header = xlYes
.SetRange Range("A4:F" & lastRow)
End With
Dim colOfItems As Collection
Set colOfItems = New Collection
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In ws.Range("A4:A" & lastRow)
Dim item As Items
If cell.value <> 1 And cell.value <> 2 And cell.value <> 3 Then
Exit For
Set item = Factories.newItem(ws, cell.row)
colOfItems.Add item
Set item = Nothing
End If
Next cell
Set ws = Nothing
Dim wsTwo As Worksheet
Set wsTwo = Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim row As Integer
row = 4
Dim itemcheck As Items
For Each itemcheck In colOfItems
If Tests.conditionTwoPass(itemcheck) Then
With wsTwo
.Range("A" & row) = itemcheck.conditionOne
.Range("B" & row) = itemcheck.conditionTwo
.Range("C" & row) = itemcheck.CurrencyType
.Range("D" & row) = itemcheck.ValueAmount
.Range("E" & row) = itemcheck.Stack
.Range("F" & row) = itemcheck.OverFlow
End With
row = row + 1
End If
Next itemcheck
Dim endTime As Long
endTime = Tests.GetTickCount
Debug.Print endTime - startTime
End Sub
Public Function newItem(ByRef ws As Worksheet, ByVal row As Integer) As Items
With New Items
.conditionOne = ws.Range("A" & row)
.conditionTwo = ws.Range("B" & row)
.CurrencyType = ws.Range("C" & row)
.ValueAmount = ws.Range("D" & row)
.Stack = ws.Range("E" & row)
.OverFlow = ws.Range("F" & row)
Set newItem = .self
End With
End Function
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Function conditionTwoPass(ByVal itemcheck As Items) As Boolean
conditionTwoPass = False
If itemcheck.conditionTwo <> 4 And itemcheck.conditionTwo <> 5 Then
conditionTwoPass = True
End If
End Function
Private pConditionOne As Integer
Private pConditionTwo As Integer
Private pCurrencyType As String
Private pValueAmount As Integer
Private pStack As String
Private pOverflow As String
Public Property Let conditionOne(ByVal value As Integer)
pConditionOne = value
End Property
Public Property Get conditionOne() As Integer
conditionOne = pConditionOne
End Property
Public Property Let conditionTwo(ByVal value As Integer)
pConditionTwo = value
End Property
Public Property Get conditionTwo() As Integer
conditionTwo = pConditionTwo
End Property
Public Property Let CurrencyType(ByVal value As String)
If value = "USD" Then
pCurrencyType = value
pCurrencyType = "OTHER"
End If
End Property
Public Property Get CurrencyType() As String
CurrencyType = pCurrencyType
End Property
Public Property Let ValueAmount(ByVal value As Integer)
pValueAmount = value
End Property
Public Property Get ValueAmount() As Integer
ValueAmount = pValueAmount
End Property
Public Property Let Stack(ByVal value As String)
pStack = value
End Property
Public Property Get Stack() As String
Stack = pStack
End Property
Public Property Let OverFlow(ByVal value As String)
pOverflow = value
End Property
Public Property Get OverFlow() As String
OverFlow = pOverflow
End Property
Public Property Get self() As Items
Set self = Me
End Property
答案 2 :(得分:3)
Sheets(1).cells(1,1).Resize(Ubound(arr2D),Ubound(arr2D,2)).value2 = arr2D
方法将数组粘贴回到工作表之后,最好在Excel中进行排序。< / p>