export const getData = (url, data) => {
return fetch(url, {
body: JSON.stringify(data), // must match 'Content-Type' header
cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
credentials: 'include', // include, same-origin, *omit
headers: {
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 MDN Example',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token '+ localStorage.token
method: 'GET', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
mode: 'cors', // no-cors, cors, *same-origin
redirect: 'follow', // manual, *follow, error
referrer: 'no-referrer', // *client, no-referrer
.then(response => response.json()); // parses response to JSON
fetchDrivers() {
return getData('/members/drivers').then(data => {
if (!data["error"]) {
//for each entry in drivers data, append data as a dictionary in tableData
//ant tables accept values {"key": value, "column_name" : "value" } format
//I cant just pass the raw array since its a collection of objects
const tableData = [];
//append drivers with their ids as key
data["drivers"].forEach(item => tableData.push({
"key": item.id,
"name": item.name
this.setState({drivers: tableData});
} else {