
时间:2018-07-10 08:22:48

标签: vba object dom recursion

我写了这个子程序,它递归地解析HTML页面树。 我的问题是,当我到达树的底部并且子级退出到上一级时,所有对象都是空的。 这是完整的代码:

Public Row As Integer
Public objIE As Object

Sub GetBranches()
    Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ' create new browser

    objIE.Visible = True ' make IE visible for viewing login

    Row = 2 ' start at line 2 (first line is headers)
    GetBranchesRecursively ("241653")
End Sub

Sub GetBranchesRecursively(BranchID As String)

    Dim CurrentBranch As Object
    Dim subBranches, subBranch As Object
    Dim SubBranchID As String

    ' navigate IE to Branch ID
    objIE.navigate "https://casadasereia.net/vbatests/viewtree" & BranchID & ".html"

    ' wait for browser
    Do While objIE.Busy = True Or objIE.readyState <> 4

    Set CurrentBranch = objIE.document.getElementById(BranchID)

    ' store name and ID of current Branch
    Worksheets("Data").Range("A" + CStr(Row)) = Trim(CurrentBranch.innerText) ' Branch name is in the HTML A tag
    Worksheets("Data").Range("B" + CStr(Row)) = BranchID
    Row = Row + 1

    ' list of subBranches is the list of LI elements of the UL element adjacent to the A tag
    Set subBranches = CurrentBranch.NextSibling.NextSibling.getElementsByTagName("li")

    For Each subBranch In subBranches
        SubBranchID = subBranch.getElementsByTagName("A")(0).ID ' BranchID is in the id property of the HTML A tag
        If InStr(subBranch.className, "node") <> 0 Then
            ' This is a node, store data and move to next in the list
            Worksheets("Data").Range("A" + CStr(Row)) = Trim(subBranch.innerText) ' name is in the HTML A tag
            Worksheets("Data").Range("B" + CStr(Row)) = SubBranchID
            Row = Row + 1
            ' This is a branch, move down to the branch
            GetBranchesRecursively (SubBranchID)
        End If
End Sub

在最后一级的递归(分支ID 99816)中,有4个节点且没有分支。它们的数据已正确存储,并且在For循环结束时,控制权被传递回上一级,但是在这种情况下,所有对象均为空。这是调试器向我显示的内容:

enter image description here


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