从Android应用程序调用sendFollowerNotification Firebase函数

时间:2018-07-08 20:37:25

标签: android firebase firebase-realtime-database

因此我意识到,从12.0版开始,您可以直接从Android应用程序调用Firebase Functions ...对于给定的发送消息示例,这很有意义:

private Task<String> addMessage(String text) {
        // Create the arguments to the callable function.
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
        data.put("text", text);
        data.put("push", true);

        return mFunctions
                .continueWith(new Continuation<HttpsCallableResult, String>() {
                    public String then(@NonNull Task<HttpsCallableResult> task) throws Exception {
                        // This continuation runs on either success or failure, but if the task
                        // has failed then getResult() will throw an Exception which will be
                        // propagated down.
                        String result = (String) task.getResult().getData();
                        return result;


exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
  // [START readMessageData]
  // Message text passed from the client.
  const text = data.text;
  // [END readMessageData]
  // [START messageHttpsErrors]
  // Checking attribute.
  if (!(typeof text === 'string') || text.length === 0) {
    // Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
    throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'The function must be called with ' +
        'one arguments "text" containing the message text to add.');
  // Checking that the user is authenticated.
  if (!context.auth) {
    // Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
    throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called ' +
        'while authenticated.');



exports.sendFollowerNotification = functions.database.ref('/followers/{followedUid}/{followerUid}')
    .onWrite((change, context) => {
      const followerUid = context.params.followerUid;
      const followedUid = context.params.followedUid;
      // If un-follow we exit the function.
      if (!change.after.val()) {
        return console.log('User ', followerUid, 'un-followed user', followedUid);

我的意思是...假设用户已登录并具有firebase UID并在数据库中(当有人登录时,我的应用程序会自动创建一个firebase用户)...似乎sendFollowerNotification可以从实时数据库。





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好!这真的激怒了我试图弄清楚的事实……事实证明,您根本不需要调用“ sendFollowerNotification”。它所做的只是监听Firebase实时数据库的更改 。如果您更改了sendFollowerNotification的语法,则会自动发出通知。

在“ sendFollwerNotification”中根本没有将用户写入实时数据库的调用。我实际上是在登录时处理的:

private DatabaseReference mDatabase; //up top

mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(); //somewhere in "onCreate"

final String userId = mAuth.getUid();

String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();




就是这样!第二个新的关注者被添加到实时数据库中... sendFollwerNotification将自动发送通知。您只需要在应用程序中设置一个侦听器来接收消息,并在用户点击收到的消息并完成操作后将其重定向到用户。