ProjectionManager.StartProjectingAsync api引发异常。 我需要什么? 我有一个uwp应用程序。在按钮上单击,我需要选择一个miracast设备并连接到它,并为其(或页面)投影一个新视图。 操作系统:Windows 10,Versio 1709(操作系统内部版本16299.492)
projectorSelectorQuery = "(System.Devices.DevObjectType:= 5 AND System.Devices.Aep.ProtocolId:= \"{0407d24e-53de-4c9a-9ba1-9ced54641188}\" AND System.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services:~=\"Miracast\")";
var outputDevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(projectorSelectorQuery);
if (ProjectionViewPageControl == null)
// First, create a new, blank view
var thisDispatcher = Window.Current.Dispatcher;
await CoreApplication.CreateNewView().Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
// ViewLifetimeControl is a wrapper to make sure the view is closed only
// when the app is done with it
ProjectionViewPageControl = ViewLifetimeControl.CreateForCurrentView();
// Assemble some data necessary for the new page
var initData = new ProjectionViewPageInitializationData();
initData.MainDispatcher = thisDispatcher;
initData.ProjectionViewPageControl = ProjectionViewPageControl;
initData.MainViewId = thisViewId;
// Display the page in the view. Note that the view will not become visible
// until "StartProjectingAsync" is called
var rootFrame = new Frame();
rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(BlankPage1), initData);
Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;
// The call to Window.Current.Activate is required starting in Windos 10.
// Without it, the view will never appear.
// Start/StopViewInUse are used to signal that the app is interacting with the
// view, so it shouldn't be closed yet, even if the user loses access to it
// Show the view on a second display that was selected by the user
await ProjectionManager.StartProjectingAsync(ProjectionViewPageControl.Id, thisViewId, selectedDisplay);
catch (Exception exception)
var msg = new MessageDialog(exception.Message + " Stack: " + exception.StackTrace + " Source: " + exception.Source);
await msg.ShowAsync();