import random
def main():
livesRemaining = 3
print "Welcome to Escape From The Shackles! "
print "3 transparent vials with liquid lie in front of you on a table. One of them is green, another is yellow, yet another is red."
colors = ["green", "red", "yellow"]
color = raw_input("Which one of the three colors do you choose to drink?")
color = color.lower()
if color == (colors[0]):
print "The liquid seeps into your system and poisons you. You die!"
livesRemaining = livesRemaining - 1
print "You have " + str(livesRemaining) + " lives remaining."
elif color == (colors[1]):
print "Your head begins to spin and you become unconscious! Next thing you know, you're in a raft in a river. No soul is present nearby..."
print "After paddling for 15 minutes in the river, you encounter a crossroads! "
right_or_left = raw_input("Do you choose to paddle right or left?")
right_or_left = yellow_right_or_left.lower()
if yellow_right_or_left == "right":
print "You take a right turn and continue to paddle. A mighty waterfall confronts you."
print "You die!"
livesRemaining = livesRemaining - 1
print "You have " + str(livesRemaining) + " lives remaining."
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import random
livesRemaining = 3
def main():
global livesRemaining
print "Welcome to Escape From The Shackles! "
while True:
if livesRemaining == 0:
print "3 transparent vials with liquid lie in front of you on a table. One of them is green, another is yellow, yet another is red."
colors = ["green", "red", "yellow"]
color = raw_input("Which one of the three colors do you choose to drink?")
color = color.lower()
if color == (colors[0]):
print "The liquid seeps into your system and poisons you. You die!"
livesRemaining -= 1
print "You have " + str(livesRemaining) + " lives remaining."
elif color == (colors[1]):
print "Your head begins to spin and you become unconscious! Next thing you know, you're in a raft in a river. No soul is present nearby..."
print "After paddling for 15 minutes in the river, you encounter a crossroads! "
right_or_left = raw_input("Do you choose to paddle right or left?")
right_or_left = yellow_right_or_left.lower()
if yellow_right_or_left == "right":
print "You take a right turn and continue to paddle. A mighty waterfall confronts you."
print "You die!"
livesRemaining -= 1
print "You have " + str(livesRemaining) + " lives remaining."
print "Game Over"
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def welcome_message(livesRemaining):
print "Welcome to Escape From The Shackles!"
print "You have", livesRemaining, "lives remaining."
def vial_scene():
print "3 transparent vials with liquid lie in front of you on a table." \
" One of them is green, another is yellow, yet another is red."
colors = ["green", "red", "yellow"]
color = raw_input("Which one of the three colors do you choose to drink?")
color = color.lower()
if color == colors[0]:
print "The liquid seeps into your system and poisons you. You die!"
return 'dies'
elif color == colors[1]:
print "Your head begins to spin and you become unconscious!"
return 'head_spin'
def river_scene():
print "Next thing you know, you're in a raft in a river." \
" No soul is present nearby ..."
print "After paddling for 15 minutes in the river, you encounter" \
" a crossroads!"
right_or_left = raw_input("Do you choose to paddle right or left?")
right_or_left = right_or_left.lower()
if right_or_left == "right":
print "You take a right turn and continue to paddle." \
" A mighty waterfall confronts you."
print "You die!"
return 'dies'
def main():
livesRemaining = 3
while livesRemaining > 0:
vial_result = vial_scene()
if vial_result == 'dies':
livesRemaining -= 1
continue # jump to beginning of while loop
elif vial_result == 'head_spin':
river_result = river_scene()
if river_result == 'dies':
livesRemaining -= 1
continue # jump to beginning of while loop
print "The river doesn't kill you."
print "The vial doesn't kill you and gives you no head spin."
print "You survived the two problems (vial and river)."
break # to leave the while loop