
时间:2018-07-02 21:20:28

标签: javascript html qualtrics



<script>$(document).ready(function() {

    var saveThis = 'hidden'; // text fields that saves data should not be shown; can be shown in testing

    // initialize values
    var round = 0;
    var start_size = 150; // start value of widht & height of the image; must correspond to the value that is specified for the #ballon id in style.css
    var increase = 2; // number of pixels by which balloon is increased each pump
    var size; // start_size incremented by 'increase'
    var pumps;
    var total = 0; // money that has been earned in total
    var rounds_played = 30;
    var explode_array =  [31, 80,  63, 103, 20,  26, 100,  75, 109,  72,  88,  77, 113, 22,  83,  86,  57,  14, 9,  90,  56,  41,  56,  27, 108,  42, 116,  18,  43,  95];
    var maximal_pumps = 128;
    var pumpmeup; // number pumps in a given round; is updated each round
    var number_pumps = []; // arrays for saving number of pumps
    var exploded = []; // array for saving whether ballon has exploded
    var explosion; // will an explosion occur? 1 = yes, 0 = no
    var last_win = 0; // initialize variable that contains the win of the previous round

    // initialize language
    var label_press = 'Pump Balloon';
    var label_collect = 'Collect Money';
    var label_balance = 'Total money collected:';
    var label_last = 'Money gained last round:';
    var label_currency = ' USD';
    var label_header = 'Balloon Pump Round ';
    var label_gonext1 = 'Start Next Round';
    var label_gonext2 = 'Spiel beenden';
    var msg_explosion1 = '<p>The Balloon exploded after ';
    var msg_explosion2 = ' pumps. No money will be transfered to the bank. <p>Click below to start the next round.</p>';

    var msg_collect1 = '<p>The balloon did not explode!</p><p>The money collected in Round 1 is ';
    var msg_collect2 = ' USD.</p><p> The money you collected will be put into the bank</p>';

    var msg_end1 = '<p>Damit ist dieser Teil der Studie abgeschlossen. Sie haben im Ballon-Spiel ';
    var msg_end2 = ' Taler Gewinn gemacht. </p><p>Klicken Sie auf <i>Weiter</i>, um mit der Studie fortzufahren.</p>';

    var err_msg = 'You need to pump the balloon at least once before collecting the money. Please click "Pump Balloon"';

    // initialize labels

    // below: create functions that define game functionality

    // what happens when a new round starts
    var new_round = function() {
        round += 1;
        size = start_size;
        pumps = 0;

    // what happens when the game ends
    var end_game = function() {
        store_data(); // note: this function needs to be defined properly

    // Important: this function will have to be replaced to ensure that
    // the data is actually sent to _your_ server:
    var store_data = function() {
        $('#saveThis1').html('<input type='+saveThis+' name ="v_177" value="'+number_pumps+'" />');
        $('#saveThis2').html('<input type='+saveThis+' name ="v_178" value="'+exploded+'" />');
        $('#saveThis3').html('<input type='+saveThis+' name ="v_577" value="'+total+'" />');

    // message shown if balloon explodes
    var explosion_message = function() {

    // message shown if balloon does not explode
    var collected_message = function() {

    // animate explosion using jQuery UI explosion
    var balloon_explode = function() {
        $('#ballon').hide( "explode", {pieces: 48}, 1000 );

        // activate this if you have a sound file to play a sound
        // when the balloon explodes:

        // document.getElementById('explosion_sound').play();

    // show button that starts next round
    var gonext_message = function() {
        if (round < rounds_played) {
        } else {

    // add money to bank
    var increase_value = function() {

    var show_last = function() {

    // button functionalities

    // pump button functionality
    $('#press').click(function() {
        if (pumps >= 0 && pumps < maximal_pumps) { // interacts with the collect function, which sets pumps to -1, making the button temporarily unclickable
            explosion = 0; // is set to one if pumping goes beyond explosion point; see below
            pumps += 1;
            if (pumps < explode_array[round-1]) {
	        size +=increase;

            } else {
	        last_win = 0;
	        pumpmeup = pumps;
          pumps = -1; // makes pumping button unclickable until new round starts
	        explosion = 1; // save that balloon has exploded this round
	        exploded.push(explosion); // save whether balloon has exploded or not
	        number_pumps.push(pumpmeup); // save number of pumps
          setTimeout(explosion_message, 1200);
	        setTimeout(gonext_message, 1200);
	        setTimeout(show_last, 1200);

    // collect button: release pressure and hope for money
    $('#collect').click(function() {
        if (pumps === 0) {
        } else if (pumps > 0) { // only works after at least one pump has been made
      exploded.push(explosion); // save whether balloon has exploded or not
            // activate this if you have a sound file to play a sound
            // when the balloon does not explode:

	    // document.getElementById('tada_sound').play();
      number_pumps.push(pumps); // save number of pumps
	    pumpmeup = pumps;
      pumps = -1; // makes pumping button unclickable until new round starts
	    total += pumpmeup;
	    last_win = pumpmeup;

    // click this button to start the next round (or end game when all rounds are played)
    $('#gonext').click(function() {
        if (round < rounds_played) {
        } else {

    // continue button is shown when the game has ended. This needs to be replaced
    // by a function that takes into account on which platform the BART runs (i.e.
    // how will the page be submitted?)
    $("#goOn").click(function() {
    // start the game!




Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( 'embeddedDataVariable', value );
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData( 'embeddedDataVariable');


} if (round = 1){
            Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("BART1", value);
          } else if (round = 2){
            Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("BART2", value);


与第一个相关的另一个问题是我应该记录什么变量(我在Qualtrics代码的value字段中输入什么变量)。我认为我应该根据变量在Qualtrics中设置和添加代码行的位置来放置“ pumps”或“ pumpmeup”变量,但是如果您还有其他建议,请告诉我。


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