
时间:2018-06-30 16:50:19

标签: javascript jquery html



filterByOptions基本上根据选中的复选框调整页面上的内容。现在,我想要的是每次单击复选框时都调用此函数。但这只是偶尔发生(我想说有50%的时间)。我尝试将这段代码放在页面的不同部分,包括$(document).ready(function() {方法和页面末尾的单独脚本标记中。但是问题仍然存在。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您已经在下面的注释中指示您正在动态创建新元素,这将导致事件绑定问题。解决方案是使用 event delegation ,在该位置上,您可以在高级祖先元素上设置事件,该事件将始终存在于文档中,然后,因为大多数事件冒泡直到他们的祖先,您在那里处理事件。但是,在处理事件时,您可以检查事件起源的元素并据此做出决定。

接下来,不要将change事件与复选框一起使用。使用click事件。 change事件旨在表示元素value的更改,当您单击复选框时,您没有更改其value,而是更改了其checked属性。要更准确地捕获点击,请使用click事件。



最后,JQuery建议使用 on() 方法进行事件绑定:

  // Set up the event on the ancestor
  $('#parent').on("click", filterByOptions);  

  // Now, lets dynamically create a new checkbox.
  // This element will be inserted into the element that is set up to handle bubbled events,
  // so the new element will immediately respond to events even though it wasn't specifically
  // bound.
  $("#parent").append('<input type="checkbox" name="chk4" value="4" id="chk4" class="handle"><label for="chk4">Box 4</label>');

  // All event handlers are automatically passed a reference
  // to the event object that triggered them, it is a good idea
  // to set up a named argument to reference it.
  function filterByOptions(evt){
    // Check to see if the event originated at an element you care about
    // This is easily accomplished by checking for the class we set up earlier
      // Do whatever you need to here, including checking if the box is or isn't checked
      console.log(evt.target.name + " was clicked and is now" + (evt.target.checked ? " " : " not ") + "checked.");     
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div id="parent">
  <!-- If we give the elements that need handling a common class, it will be easier later-->
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk1" value="1" id="chk1" class="handle"><label for="chk1">Box 1</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk2" value="2" id="chk2" class="handle"><label for="chk2">Box 2</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="chk3" value="3" id="chk3" class="handle"><label for="chk3">Box 3</label>

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

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