Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
If e.Clicks = 1 And e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
Dim indexClicked As Integer = TextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim ch As Char = TextBox1.Text.Chars(indexClicked)
Dim indexOfWord As Int32
If Not ch = " " Then
Dim wordFound As Boolean
Dim previousCh As Char
Dim previousIndex As Integer = indexClicked
While Not wordFound
previousIndex = previousIndex - 1
previousCh = TextBox1.Text.Chars(previousIndex)
If previousCh = " " Then
indexOfWord = previousIndex + 1
wordFound = True
End If
End While
indexOfWord = indexClicked + 1
End If
Label1.Text = indexClicked & ", " & indexOfWord
Label2.Text = GetWordByIndex(TextBox1.Text, indexOfWord)
' Catch ex As Exception
' Label2.Text = ex.Message
' End Try
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetWordByIndex(input As String, index As Integer) As String
Dim words = input.Split(" ")
If (index < 0) OrElse (index > words.Length - 1) Then
Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range!")
End If
Return words(index)
Catch ex As Exception
'handle the exception your way
Return String.Empty
End Try
End Function
End Class
previousCh = TextBox1.Text.Chars(previousIndex)
退出An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe
Additional information: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
引发异常时,通过将鼠标悬停在previousIndex变量上,Visual Studio会向我显示其值:-1。
我认为previousCh = " "
条件永远不会成立,因此该程序永远不会退出while循环,该循环一直在寻找前一个字符。在某个时刻int previousIndex变为负值,程序崩溃。为什么条件不能正常工作?
出什么问题了? 谢谢。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果您不希望用户像David Wilson建议的那样双击(我也将同意),那么这将获得您想要的结果。它考虑到前一个字符是换行符还是文本的开头,或者下一个字符也是换行符还是文本的结尾。您可以添加到If
Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown
If e.Clicks = 1 And e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
Dim startIndex As Integer = TextBox1.SelectionStart
Dim wordStartFound, wordEndFound As Boolean
Dim nextIndex, indexOfStartOfWord, indexOfEndOfWord, lengthOfWord As Integer
If Not startIndex = 0 Then
While Not wordStartFound
startIndex = startIndex - 1
If TextBox1.Text.Chars(startIndex) = " " Then
indexOfStartOfWord = startIndex + 1
wordStartFound = True
ElseIf startIndex = 0 Then
indexOfStartOfWord = startIndex
wordStartFound = True
ElseIf TextBox1.Text.Chars(startIndex) = Chr(10) Then 'Line Feed'
indexOfStartOfWord = startIndex + 1
wordStartFound = True
End If
End While
indexOfStartOfWord = startIndex
End If
nextIndex = startIndex
While Not wordEndFound
nextIndex = nextIndex + 1
If TextBox1.Text.Chars(nextIndex) = " " Then
indexOfEndOfWord = nextIndex
wordEndFound = True
ElseIf nextIndex = TextBox1.TextLength - 1 Then
indexOfEndOfWord = TextBox1.TextLength
wordEndFound = True
ElseIf TextBox1.Text.Chars(nextIndex) = Chr(10) Then 'Line Feed'
indexOfEndOfWord = nextIndex
wordEndFound = True
End If
End While
lengthOfWord = indexOfEndOfWord - indexOfStartOfWord
Label2.Text = TextBox1.Text.Substring(indexOfStartOfWord, lengthOfWord)
End If
End Sub
Dim words = input.Split(" ")
If (index < 0) OrElse (index > words.Length - 1) Then
Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range!")
End If
时,它将返回字符串数(或数组中的任何内容)。例如,如果输入是“大棕狐跳过了懒狗”,{{1 }}将返回8。因此,如果您通过的索引是单词“ over”的开头,则它会落入words.length - 1