
时间:2018-06-29 23:10:43

标签: javascript dom-events high-resolution-time

最近some browsers开始将High Resolution time stamps用作他们的events。与以前的方法的主要区别之一是该持续时间不是相对于系统时代,而是相对于some "time origin"(大多数时间大约是文档加载的时间)。


如果仅比较事件时间戳,这不是问题,但是如果要比较事件时间戳和手工时间戳,则需要知道他应该使用Date.now()(相对于纪元)还是{{1} }(相对于时间原点)。

例如,尽管safari mobile支持性能api,但某些版本(例如,iOS 11.1中的版本)尚未将其事件切换为“高分辨率时间戳”。 结果,以下代码段为precision.now()产生了无意义的巨大值,因为difference结束时是高分辨率时间戳,而不是事件的时间戳。

const now = performance ? () => performance.now() : () => Date.now();

let start;

const update = e => {
  if(e) e.preventDefault();
  document.querySelector('#start').innerHTML = start;
  document.querySelector('#event').innerHTML = e ? e.timeStamp : '';
  document.querySelector('#diff').innerHTML = e ? e.timeStamp - start : '';

const reset = () => {
  start = now();


document.querySelector('#reset').addEventListener('click', reset);
document.querySelector('#pad').addEventListener('mousemove', update);
document.querySelector('#pad').addEventListener('touchmove', update);
#pad {
  background-color: #C9DBFA;
  border: 1px solid #778294;
  border-radius: 10px;
  width: 500px;
  height: 100px;
  color: #575E6C;
  padding: .5em .75em;

#reset {
  margin: 1em 0;

来自iPad(iOS 11.1)的屏幕截图: enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var isPerformanceTimestamp = false;
if (performance) {
    var performanceNow = performance.now();
    document.addEventListener('test-performance', function(evt) {
        isPerformanceTimestamp = evt.timeStamp - performanceNow < 1000; // or whatever threshold you feel comfortable with, it's at least 1530355731395 at the time of this writing ;-)
        document.removeEventListener('test-performance', this);
    var event = new Event('test-performance');

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我最终修改了从Majid Valipour's tool中提取的解决方案。这个想法实际上与digitalbreed's非常相似,但有更多的保护措施:

const context = global || window || self;

const doEventUseHighResTimeStamps = () => {
  // If the performance API isn't even available, I assume events will not
  // use high res time stamps.
  if ('performance' in context) return false;

  // Check if the browser supports CustomEvents.
  const hasCustomEvent =
    'CustomEvent' in context &&
    (typeof context.CustomEvent === 'function' ||
      context.CustomEvent.toString().indexOf('CustomEventConstructor') > -1);

  // Create an event and compare its timestamps to the value returned by
  // performance.now(). If the event is using old timestamps, its origin
  // is going to be very far and hence, its timestamps will be much much
  // greater than performance.now().
  const testTimeStamp = hasCustomEvent
    ? new context.CustomEvent('test').timeStamp
    : context.document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent').timeStamp;
  return testTimeStamp && testTimeStamp <= performance.now();

const context = window;

const doEventUseHighResTimeStamps = () => {
  const hasCustomEvent =
    'CustomEvent' in context &&
    (typeof context.CustomEvent === 'function' ||
      context.CustomEvent.toString().indexOf('CustomEventConstructor') > -1);

  const testTimeStamp = hasCustomEvent
    ? new context.CustomEvent('test').timeStamp
    : context.document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent').timeStamp;
  return testTimeStamp && testTimeStamp <= performance.now();

const now = doEventUseHighResTimeStamps() ? () => performance.now() : () => Date.now();

let start;

const update = e => {
  if (e) e.preventDefault();
  document.querySelector('#start').innerHTML = start;
  document.querySelector('#event').innerHTML = e ? e.timeStamp : '';
  document.querySelector('#diff').innerHTML = e ? e.timeStamp - start : '';

const reset = () => {
  start = now();


document.querySelector('#reset').addEventListener('click', reset);
document.querySelector('#pad').addEventListener('mousemove', update);
document.querySelector('#pad').addEventListener('touchmove', update);
#pad {
  background-color: #C9DBFA;
  border: 1px solid #778294;
  border-radius: 10px;
  width: 500px;
  height: 100px;
  color: #575E6C;
  padding: .5em .75em;

#reset {
  margin: 1em 0;
<div id="pad">
  <strong>start time:</strong> <span id="start"></span>
  <strong>event time:</strong> <span id="event"></span>
  <strong>difference:</strong> <span id="diff"></span>
<button id="reset">reset</button>