
时间:2018-06-27 20:49:56

标签: php sockets port

我正在使用PHP套接字在TCP / IP级别上接收数据,我能够使用当前代码来执行此操作,但是似乎在一段时间后套接字服务器崩溃并且端口变得无用。




require_once("SocketServer.php"); // Include the File
$server = new SocketServer("XX.XXX.XX.XX",3030); // Create a Server binding to the given ip address and listen to port XXXX for connections
$server->max_clients = 10; // Allow no more than 10 people to connect at a time
$server->hook("CONNECT","handle_connect"); // Run handle_connect every time someone connects
$server->hook("INPUT","handle_input"); // Run handle_input whenever text is sent to the server
$server->infinite_loop(); // Run Server Code Until Process is terminated.

function handle_connect(&$server,&$client,$input)
    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"String? ","");
function handle_input(&$server,&$client,$input)
    // You probably want to sanitize your inputs here
    $trim = trim($input); // Trim the input, Remove Line Endings and Extra Whitespace.
      $file_p = dirname(__FILE__) . '/input.json';
      $fp = fopen($file_p,"wb");

    if(strtolower($trim) == "quit") // User Wants to quit the server
        SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"Oh... Goodbye..."); // Give the user a sad goodbye message, meany!
        $server->disconnect($client->server_clients_index); // Disconnect this client.
        return; // Ends the function

    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,$output); // Send the Client back the String
    SocketServer::socket_write_smart($client->socket,"String? ",""); // Request Another String

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