import cards
#call deck
lmdeck = cards.Deck()
#display message
print("=======messy print a deck========")
#display lDck
#call method
a_card = lmdeck.deal()
#display message
print("Card dealt is:", a_card)
#display message
print('Cards left:', len(lmdeck))
#display message
print("Is deck empty?", lmdeck.is_empty())
#define hand
lHndlist1 = []
#define hand
lHndlist2 = []
for li in range(5):
#call method
#call method
#display message
print("\nHand 1:", lHndlist1)
#display message
print("Hand 2:", lHndlist2)
#define hand 1
lLastCrdHnd1 = lHndlist1.pop()
#define hand 1
lLastCrdHnd2 = lHndlist2.pop()
#display message
print("Hand1 threw down", lLastCrdHnd1, ", Hand2 threw down", lLastCrdHnd2)
#display message
print("Hands are now:", lHndlist1, lHndlist2)
#check condition
if lLastCrdHnd1.equal_rank(lLastCrdHnd2):
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, lLastCrdHnd2, "of equal rank")
elif lLastCrdHnd1.get_rank() > lLastCrdHnd2.get_rank():
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, "of higher rank than", lLastCrdHnd2)
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd2, "of higher rank than", lLastCrdHnd1)
#check condition
if lLastCrdHnd1.equal_value(lLastCrdHnd2):
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, lLastCrdHnd2, "of equal value")
elif lLastCrdHnd1.get_value() > lLastCrdHnd2.get_value():
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, "of higher value than", lLastCrdHnd2)
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd2, "of higher value than", lLastCrdHnd1)
#check condition
if lLastCrdHnd1.equal_suit(lLastCrdHnd2):
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, 'of equal suit with', lLastCrdHnd2)
#display message
print(lLastCrdHnd1, 'of different suit than', lLastCrdHnd2)
#define list
foundation_list = [[], [], [], []]
#define column
column = 0
while not lmdeck.is_empty():
#update column
column += 1
#check condition
if column % 4 == 0:
#set value
column = 0
for li in range(4):
#display message
print("foundation", li, foundation_list[li])
#define function
def lGet1Par(cards):
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_rank())
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 2 + 1):
if cards [lStrt].get_rank() == cards[lStrt + 1].get_rank():
return cards[lStrt:lStrt + 2]
return []
#define function
def lGet2Par(cards):
lOnePair = lGet1Par(cards)
if lOnePair:
remaining = [c for c in cards if c not in lOnePair]
another_pair = lGet1Par(remaining)
if another_pair:
return lOnePair
return []
#define function
def lGetstgtflsh(cards):
#sort the cards by their ranks
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_rank())
#check each possibility
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 5 + 1):
end = lStrt + 1
while end < len(cards):
if cards[end].get_suit() != cards[end - 1].get_suit():
if cards[end].get_rank() - cards[end - 1].get_rank() != 1:
end = end + 1
if end - lStrt >=5: #found
return cards[lStrt:lStrt + 5]
#define function
def lGet4ofKnd(cards):
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_rank())
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 4 + 1):
if cards[lStrt].get_rank() == cards[lStrt + 3].get_rank():
return cards[lStrt:lStrt + 4]
return []
#define function
def lGet3ofKnd(cards):
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_rank())
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 3 + 1):
if cards[lStrt].get_rank() == cards[lStrt + 2].get_rank():
return cards [lStrt:lStrt + 3]
return []
#define function
def lGetFllHse(cards):
l3 = lGet3ofKnd(cards)
if l3:
remaining = [c for c in cards if c not in l3]
pair = lGet1Par(remaining)
if pair:
return l3
return []
#define function
def lGetFlsh(cards):
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_suit())
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 5 + 1):
if cards[lStrt].get_suit() == cards[lStrt + 4].get_suit():
return cards[lStrt:lStrt + 5]
return []
#define function
def lGetStgth(cards):
cards.sort(key=lambda card: card.get_rank())
for lStrt in range(len(cards) - 5 + 1):
end = lStrt + 1
while end < len(cards):
if cards[end].get_rank() - cards[end - 1]. get_rank() != 1:
end = end + 1
if end - lStrt >= 5:
return cards[lStrt:lStrt + 5]
return []
#define function
def test():
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(7, 1), cards.Card(6, 1), cards.Card(8, 1), card.Cards(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 1), cards.Card(3, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(7, 1), cards.Card(6, 2), cards.Card(8, 1), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 2), cards.Card(11, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(1, 2), cards.Card(1, 3), cards.Card(1, 4), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 2), cards.Card(11, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(3, 1), cards.Card(1, 2), cards.Card(1, 3), cards.Card(1, 4), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 2), cards.Card(11, 1)]
print (lGet3ofKnd(c))
c = [cards.Card(3, 1), cards.Card(3, 2), cards.Card(1, 3), cards.Card(1, 4), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 2), cards.Card(11, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(3, 1), cards.Card(3, 2), cards.Card(1, 3), cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 1), cards.Card(11, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(7, 2), cards.Card(6, 1), cards.Card(8, 1), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 1), cards.Card(3, 1)]
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(1, 2), cards.Card(1, 3), cards.Card(8, 1), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 1), cards.Card(8, 2)]
c = [cards.Card(1, 1), cards.Card(1, 2), cards.Card(2, 3), cards.Card(8, 1), cards.Card(9, 1), cards.Card(10, 1), cards.Card(8, 2)]
#define function
def get(player1, player2, category):
if category == 'straight flush':
return(lGetstgtflsh(player1), lGetstgtflsh(player2))
if category == '4 of a kind':
return(lGet4ofKnd(player1), lGet4ofKnd(player2))
if category == 'full house':
return(lGetFllHse(player1), lGetFllHse(player2))
if category == 'flush':
return(lGetFlsh(player1), lGetFlsh(player2))
if category == 'straight':
return(lGetStgth(player1), lGetStgth(player2))
if category == '3 of a kind':
return(lGet3ofKnd(player1), lGet3ofKnd(player2))
if category == '2 pair':
return(lGet2Par(player1), lGet2Par(player2))
if category == '1 pair':
return(lGet1Par(player1), lGet1Par(player2))
return (player1, player2)
#define main function
def main():
lDck = cards.Deck()
while True:
print("Let's play poker!")
community_cards = []
player1_cards = []
player2_cards = []
for li in range(5):
print("Community cards: %s" % (community_cards))
print("Player 1: %s" % (player1_cards))
print("Player 2: %s" % (player2_cards))
for category in ('straight flush', '4 of a kind', 'full house', 'flush', 'straight', '3 of a kind', '2 pair', '1 pair', 'high card'):
player1, player2 = get(player1_cards, player2_cards, category)
if player1 and player2:
print("TIE with a %s: %s" % (category, player1))
elif player1 and not player2:
print("Player %d wins with a %s: %s" % (1, category, player1))
elif not player1 and player2:
print("Player %d wins with a %s: %s" % (2, category, player2))
if lDck.cards_count() < 9:
print("Deck has too few cards so game is done.")
c = input("Do you wish to play another hand? (Y or N")
if c not in ('y', 'Y'):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import random
class Card( object ):
# Rank is an int (1-13), where aces are 1 and kings are 13.
# Suit is an int (1-4), where clubs are 1 and spades are 4.
# Value is an int (1-10), where aces are 1 and face cards are 10.
# List to map int rank to printable character (index 0 used for no rank)
rank_list = ['x','A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K']
# List to map int suit to printable character (index 0 used for no suit)
# 1 is clubs, 2 is diamonds, 3 is hearts, and 4 is spades
# suit_list = ['x','c','d','h','s'] # for systems that cannot print Unicode symbols
suit_list = ['x','\u2663','\u2666','\u2665','\u2660']
def __init__( self, rank=0, suit=0 ):
""" Initialize card to specified rank (1-13) and suit (1-4). """
self.__rank = 0
self.__suit = 0
self.__face_up = None
# Verify that rank and suit are ints and that they are within
# range (1-13 and 1-4), then update instance variables if valid.
if type(rank) == int and type(suit) == int:
if rank in range(1,14) and suit in range(1,5):
self.__rank = rank
self.__suit = suit
self.__face_up = True
def rank( self ):
""" Return card's rank (1-13). """
return self.__rank
def value( self ):
""" Return card's value (1 for aces, 2-9, 10 for face cards). """
# Use ternary expression to determine value.
return self.__rank if self.__rank < 10 else 10
def suit( self ):
""" Return card's suit (1-4). """
return self.__suit
def is_face_up( self ):
""" Returns True if card is facing up."""
return self.__face_up
def flip_card( self ):
""" Flips card between face-up and face-down"""
self.__face_up = not self.__face_up
def __str__( self ):
""" Convert card into a string (usually for printing). """
# Use rank to index into rank_list; use suit to index into suit_list.
if self.__face_up:
return "{}{}".format( (self.rank_list)[self.__rank], \
(self.suit_list)[self.__suit] )
return "{}{}".format( "X", "X")
def __repr__( self ):
""" Convert card into a string for use in the shell. """
return self.__str__()
def __eq__( self, other ):
""" Return True, if Cards of equal rank and suit; False, otherwise. """
if not isinstance(other, Card):
return False
return self.rank() == other.rank() and self.suit() == other.suit()
class Deck( object ):
# Implement the deck as a list of cards. The last card in the list is
# defined to be at the top of the deck.
def __init__( self ):
""" Initialize deck--Ace of clubs on bottom, King of spades on top. """
self.__deck = [Card(r,s) for s in range(1,5) for r in range(1,14)]
def shuffle( self ):
""" Shuffle deck using shuffle method in random module. """
def deal( self ):
""" Return top card from deck (return None if deck empty). """
# Use ternary expression to guard against empty deck.
return self.__deck.pop() if len(self.__deck) else None
def is_empty( self ):
""" Return True if deck is empty; False, otherwise """
return len(self.__deck) == 0
def __len__( self ):
""" Return number of cards remaining in deck. """
return len(self.__deck)
def __str__( self ):
""" Return string representing deck (usually for printing). """
return ", ".join([str(card) for card in self.__deck])
def __repr__( self ):
""" Return string representing deck (for use in shell). """
return self.__str__()
def display( self, cols=13 ):
""" Column-oriented display of deck. """
for index, card in enumerate(self.__deck):
if index%cols == 0:
print("{:3s} ".format(str(card)), end="" )
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果lLastCrdHnd1 == lLastCrdHnd2: