由于tomcat 7.00.082-1​​.x86_64和CentOS6.9而导致的UI缓慢问题

时间:2018-06-22 11:01:20

标签: multithreading tomcat centos

问题:加载* .png文件的UI缓慢问题

Centos version: 6.9
Tomcat version: 7.00.082-1.x86_64

在分析strace时,我发现这看起来更像是futex(锁定)问题,而不是其他任何问题。 加载PNG文件涉及6个线程。 按时间顺序:

Thread 487960 calls stat() for 1.png and seems to succeed

Thread 487944 calls stat() for 2.png but obtains only one FUTEX and keeps trying to obtain a second FUTEX - I suspect that this causing the next 4 threads to hang

Thread 487957 calls stat() for 3.png and is waiting on one FUTEX

Thread 487945 calls stat() for 4.png and is waiting on one FUTEX

Thread 487941 calls stat() for 5.png and is waiting on one FUTEX

Thread 487946 calls stat() for 6.png and is waiting on one FUTEX 

想了解是否有人因为tomcat / Centos而遇到了类似的UI缓慢?

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