select *
from `timer`
email = 'abcd@gmail.com'
and o_id = 'CBADCKDSFO2'
and (hour > 8 or (hour = 8 and minute > 27))
and (
when dom is not null and mon is not null then dom = 21 and mon = 6
when dom is not null and mon is null then dom = 21
when dom is null and mon is null then CAST(dow as CHAR(50)) like '%ABC%' end)
(dom is null and mon is null and dow is null )
and act = 5
order by hour, minute;
where: {
email: <email_id>,
o_id: <o_id>,
act: 5,
attributes: { include: [[tables.sequelize.literal('case when dom is not null and mon is not null then dom = 21 and mon = 6 when dom is not null and mon is null then dom = 21 when dom is null and mon is null then CAST(dow as CHAR(50)) like '%ABC%' end')]]},
hour: {[gt]: 8},
{hour: 10},
{minute: {[gt]: 27}}
我需要在不使用原始查询类型的情况下将其转换为sequelize orm格式。请帮我。预先感谢。