使用RxJava / RxAndroid依次执行不同类型的Observable

时间:2018-06-20 06:37:27

标签: java android retrofit rx-java rx-android

我有一个远程调用(改造)-我将其转换为一个Observable。我们将其称为“可观察的Y”。 现在,我还有一个特定的代码,可以通过GPS和NETWORK提供程序查找地理位置。我在那里有一个计时器,它基本上限制了可以执行地理搜索的时间。我们称它为TaskX。我想将其转换为Observable X。

然后,我想有一个预订,它将执行Observable X(即查找位置),一旦它返回一个位置,我将以某种方式“分析”,然后我要么传递该位置进入Observable Y(改造调用),或者直接退出(如果在我的情况下该“原始”位置就足够了)

在任何时候,我都希望能够中断所有的“过程”。从我的收集中,我可以通过简单地取消订阅来实现这一点,对吗? 然后下次只需再次订阅此订阅即可。


1. Can all of that be implemented via RxJava/RxAndroid ?
2. Does it even make sense implementing it with Rx ? or is there a more efficient way?
3. How is it done with Rx? 
(More specifically : (a) How do I convert task Y into an Observable Y?
                     (b) How do I perform them in sequence with only one subscription?)

1 个答案:

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3-a Observable.fromCallable()可以解决问题

3-b flatmap运算符用于链接可观察的呼叫 您可以这样进行:

private Location searchForLocation() {
    // of course you will return not null location
    return null;

// your task X
//mock your location fetching
private Observable<Location> getLocationObservableX() {
    return Observable.fromCallable(() -> searchForLocation());

//your task Y
//replace CustomData with simple String
//just to mock your asynchronous retrofit call
private Observable<List<String>> getRetrofitCallObservableY(String param){
    return Observable.just(new ArrayList<String>());

private void initialize() {
            .filter(location -> {
                //place your if else here
                //don't continue tu retrofit
                boolean condition = false;

                if (condition) {
                    //quit and pass that Location in Broadcas
                    //you shall return false if you don't want to continue
                    return false;
                return true;
            //filter operation does not continue here if you return false
            .flatMap(location -> getRetrofitCallObservableY("param"))
            .subscribe(response -> {
                //do what you want with response