我正在编写一个解析器组合器来解析简单的控制流语句 并执行一些代码。语言的结构大致是这样-
async function _getParents(child) {//see https://tutorialzine.com/2017/07/javascript-async-await-explained
// queries our main DB of nodes to get all nodes n with...
// n.currId = child.prevId or child.sources.includes(n.currId)
let data = {
"sort": {"timestamp": {"order": "desc"}},
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{"match": {"currId": child.prevId}},
//{"match": {"currId": child.sources}}
"should": child.sources.map((id) => {return {"match": {"currId": id}}})
}//TODO: use pure ES query to match against ES sources array
let nodes = []
let res = await axios.get("http://myesserver:9200/myindex/mytype/_search", {
// for submiting to elasticsearch, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/45292081/8236733
params: {
source: JSON.stringify(data),
source_content_type: 'application/json'
console.log('NEW PARENT NODES')
nodes = res['data']['hits']['hits'].map(record => {return record['_source']} )
return nodes
async function _getChildren(parent) {// see https://tutorialzine.com/2017/07/javascript-async-await-explained
// queries our main DB of nodes to get all nodes n with...
// n.prevId == parent.currId or n.sources.includes(parent.currId)
let data = {
"sort": {"timestamp": {"order": "desc"}},
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{"match": {"prevId": parent.currId}},
{"match": {"sources": parent.currId}}
let nodes = []
let res = await axios.get("http://myesserver:9200/myindex/mytype/_search", {
// for submiting to elasticsearch, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/45292081/8236733
params: {
source: JSON.stringify(data),
source_content_type: 'application/json'
console.log('NEW CHILD NODES')
nodes = res['data']['hits']['hits'].map(record => {return record['_source']} )
return nodes
* @param {*} root
* @param {(v)=>{}} stopper callback for conditional to determine whether to visit a node
* @param {(v)=>{}} visit callback for what to do when visit each node
* @param {(v)=>{}} getNext callback for how to get the children of a node
async function _dfs(root, stopper, visit, getNext) {//see https://tutorialzine.com/2017/07/javascript-async-await-explained
/* getting children */
/* using DFS method */
console.log('starting wth root node:')
let s = []
console.log('initialized stack (FIXME: not showing correctly for some reason):')
while (s.length > 0) {
let v = s.pop()
if (stopper(v)) {
/* save this node for the graph */
/* get the children of this node */
let kids = await getNext(v)
s = s.concat(kids)
console.log('concated stack:')
* @param {*} startn the node of the graph that we initially start with
* @param {*} nodes
* @param {*} edges
async function buildGraph(startn, nodes, edges) {
// Had to do async all the way down b/c of the async axios requests to the ES server
//see https://tutorialzine.com/2017/07/javascript-async-await-explained
/* getting ancestors */
// if wanted to get siblings as well, this would be the DFS branch to implement that in
let discovered = []
await _dfs(startn,
(v)=>{return !discovered.includes(v.currId)},
nodes.push({id: v.currId, label: v.currLocation})
if (v.prevId != 'NULL') {
edges.push({from: v.prevId, to: v.currId})
if (v.sources.length > 0 && v.sources[0] != 'NULL') {
for (let i=0; i < v.sources.length; i++) {
edges.push({from: v.sources[i], to: v.currId})
(v)=>{return _getParents(v)})
console.log('completed collecting ancestor nodes')
/* getting children */
// remove root from discovered, so can do another dfs
for (var i=discovered.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (discovered[i] === startn.currId) {
discovered.splice(i, 1);
// break; //<-- Uncomment if only the first term has to be removed
await _dfs(startn,
(v)=>{return !discovered.includes(v.currId)},
// can't add origin node with same id to graph again in react-graph-vis
if (v.currId != startn.currId) {
nodes.push({id: v.currId, label: v.currLocation})
if (v.prevId != 'NULL') {
edges.push({from: v.prevId, to: v.currId})
if (v.sources.length > 0 && v.sources[0] != 'NULL') {
for (let i=0; i < v.sources.length; i++) {
edges.push({from: v.sources[i], to: v.currId})
(v)=>{return _getChildren(v)})
console.log('completed collecting child nodes')
let nodes = []
let edges = []
buildGraph(this.selectedNode, nodes, edges).then(res => {
console.log('buildGraph promise result:')
console.log(res, nodes, edges)
this.setState({nodes: nodes, edges: edges})
例如,在上述情况下,我应该得到GOTO NODE-1-> NODE-3,而在对else表达式求值后,我得到了false,组合器的代码概述如下:
val resultId = 200
val s = s"""(IF $resultId == 100 GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-2) (ELSE IF $resultId > 100 GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-3) (ELSE GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-4)""".stripMargin
private val result= new ConditionalParserCombinator().run(s)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我认为它更干净,可以将表达式解析为您可以理解的类型(这意味着我已经为其定义了定制的Product / Case类),然后对其求值-这是两件不同的事情。事后看来,我不确定为什么我将两者混为一谈。这是可行的逻辑-
def IF = "IF"
def ELSE = "ELSE"
def NULL = "NULL"
def GOTO = "GOTO"
def dataType: Parser[DataType] = "[" ~ "Integer" ~ "]" ^^ { e ⇒ DataType("", "Integer") }
def node_id = wholeNumber | floatingPointNumber | stringLiteral
def NODE = "NODE" ~ "-" ~ node_id ^^ (e ⇒ ParseableNode(e._2, DataType({}, "Unit")))
def EDGE = NODE ~ "-->" ~ NODE ^^ (e ⇒ EdgeExpression(e._1._1, e._2))
def lhs = ident | wholeNumber | floatingPointNumber | stringLiteral
def rhs = ident | wholeNumber | floatingPointNumber | stringLiteral | NULL
def operator = "==" | "*" | "/" | "||" | "&&" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<="
def block = GOTO ~ EDGE
def expression_block(expType: ConditionalKind) = dataType ~ lhs ~ operator ~ rhs ~ block ^^ {
case dataType ~ lhs ~ operator ~ rhs ~ block ⇒ ExpressionBlock(ParseableNode(lhs, dataType), ParseableNode(rhs, dataType), operator, block._2, expType)
def ifExpression = IF ~ expression_block(ConditionalKind("IF")) ^^ {
case "IF" ~ expression_block ⇒ ExpressionBlock(expression_block.lhs, expression_block.rhs, expression_block.operator, expression_block.block, expression_block.conditionalKind)
def elseIFExpression = ELSEIF ~ expression_block(ConditionalKind("ELSEIF")) ^^ {
case "ELSE" ~ "IF" ~ expression_block ⇒ ExpressionBlock(expression_block.lhs, expression_block.rhs, expression_block.operator, expression_block.block, expression_block.conditionalKind)
def elseExpression = ELSE ~ block ^^ { case "ELSE" ~ block ⇒ Block(block._2) }
override def grammar = log(ifExpression)("ifexpression") ~ log(elseIFExpression)("elseifexpression") ~ log(elseExpression)("elseexpression") ^^ {
case ifExpression ~ elseIFExpression ~ elseExpression ⇒
ConditionalExpressions(List(ifExpression, elseIFExpression), elseExpression)
object BasicSelectorExpressionEvaluator extends EvaluatorLike {
override def eval(parseable: Parseable) = parseable match {
case ConditionalExpressions(ifElseIfs, otherwise) ⇒
val mappedIfElseIfs: immutable.Seq[Block] = ifElseIfs.map { e ⇒
println(s"e ==>$e")
e.operator match {
case "==" ⇒ if (e.lhs == e.rhs) {
println("mached ==")
} else Block.Unit
case "<" ⇒ if (e.lhs.value.toInt < e.rhs.value.toInt) {
println("matched <")
} else Block.Unit
case ">" ⇒ if (e.lhs.value.toInt > e.rhs.value.toInt) {
println("matched >")
} else Block.Unit
case "<=" ⇒ if (e.lhs.value.toInt <= e.rhs.value.toInt) {
println("mached <=")
} else Block.Unit
case ">=" ⇒ if (e.lhs.value.toInt >= e.rhs.value.toInt) {
println("mached >=")
} else Block.Unit
val filteredMappedIFElseIfs = mappedIfElseIfs.filterNot(e ⇒ e.equals(Block.Unit))
println(s"filteredMappedIFElseIfs == $filteredMappedIFElseIfs")
if (filteredMappedIFElseIfs.nonEmpty) PResult(filteredMappedIFElseIfs.head.block) else PResult(otherwise.block)
val s = s""" IF [Integer] $resultId == 100 GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-2 ELSE IF [Integer] $resultId > 100 GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-3 ELSE GOTO NODE-1-->NODE-4""".stripMargin