package u10a1_ooconsoleregisterforcourse;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class U10A1_OOConsoleRegisterForCourse {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Welcome to the Course Registration Program");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//Courses is an array of course objects
//see the source code for members of Course
Course[] courses = {
new Course("IT1006", 6),
new Course("IT4782", 3),
new Course("IT4789", 3),
new Course("IT4079", 6),
new Course("IT2230", 3),
new Course("IT3345", 3),
new Course("IT2249", 6)};
//choice is the number selected by the user
int choice;
int totalCredit = 0;
String yesOrNo = "";
do {
choice = getChoice(courses, input);
switch (ValidateChoice(choice, totalCredit, courses)) {
case -1:
System.out.println("**Invalid** - Your selection of "
+ choice + " is not a recognized course.");
case -2:
System.out.println("**Invalid** - You have already registerd for this "
+ courses[choice - 1].getCode() + " course.");
case -3:
System.out.println("**Invalid** - You can not register for more than 9 credit hours.");
case 0:
System.out.println("Registration Confirmed for course "
+ courses[choice - 1].getCode());
totalCredit += courses[choice - 1].getCreditHour();
courses[choice - 1].setIsRegisteredFor(true);
WriteCurrentRegistration(courses, totalCredit);
System.out.print("\nDo you want to try again? (Y|N)? : ");
yesOrNo =;
} while (yesOrNo.equals("Y"));
System.out.println("Thank you for registering with us");
//This method prints out the selection menu to the user in the form of
//[selection number]Course Code (Course Credit Hours)
//from the courses array one per line
//and then prompts the user to make a number selection
public static int getChoice(Course[] courses, Scanner input) {
System.out.println("Please type the number inside the [] to register for a course");
System.out.println("The number inside the () is the credit hours for the course");
for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++)
System.out.println("[" + (i + 1) + "]" + courses[i].getCode());
// TO DO
// loop over the courses array and print out the attributes of its
//objects in the format of
//[selection number]Course Code (Course Credit Hours)
//one per line
System.out.print("Enter your choice : ");
return (input.nextInt());
//This method validates the user menu selection
//against the given registration business rules
//it returns the following code based on the validation result
// -1 = invalid, unrecognized menu selection
// -2 = invalid, alredy registered for the course
// -3 = invalid, No more than 9 credit hours allowed
// 0 = menu selection is valid
public static int ValidateChoice(int choice, int totalCredit, Course[] courses) {
if (choice < 1 || choice > 7) {
return -1;
} else if (IsRegisteredBefore(choice, courses)) {
return -2;
} else if ((totalCredit + courses[choice - 1].getCreditHour()) > 9) {
return -3;
return 0;
//This method checks the courses array of course object to
//see if the course has already been registered for or not
public static boolean IsRegisteredBefore(int choice, Course[] courses) {
for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) {
if (courses[choice - 1].getIsRegisteredFor() == true) {
return true;
return false;
//This method prints the current list of registered courses thus far
//from the courses array separated by , and enclosed inside { }
//It also prints the total credit registered for thus far
public static void WriteCurrentRegistration(Course[] courses, int totalCredit) {
System.out.print("Current course registration: { ");
// TO DO
// loop over the courses array, determine which courses are registered
//for thus and print them out in the format of
//{ list of courses separated by , }
System.out.print("Current course registration: { " );
for(Course i : courses) {
if(i.getIsRegisteredFor()) {
System.out.println(i + ", ");
} else {
System.out.println(" { none } ");
System.out.println(" }");
System.out.println("Current registration total credit = " + totalCredit);
for(int i= 0; i < 4; i++)