事实上,我想使用正则表达式来提取shell中Total Execution time:
Val Loss: 20.032490309035197
Val Accuracy: 0.13
SystemML Statistics:
Total elapsed time: 80.698 sec.
Total compilation time: 1.325 sec.
Total execution time: 79.373 sec.
Number of compiled MR Jobs: 0.
Number of executed MR Jobs: 0.
Cache hits (Mem, WB, FS, HDFS): 141449/0/0/2.
Cache writes (WB, FS, HDFS): 22097/0/0.
Cache times (ACQr/m, RLS, EXP): 0.151/0.024/0.285/0.000 sec.
HOP DAGs recompiled (PRED, SB): 0/1802.
HOP DAGs recompile time: 1.649 sec.
Functions recompiled: 1.
Functions recompile time: 0.006 sec.
Paramserv func number of workers: 1.
Paramserv func total gradients compute time: 38.000 secs.
Paramserv func total aggregation time: 29.604 secs.
Paramserv func model broadcasting time: 0.008 secs.
Paramserv func total batch slicing time: 0.000 secs.
Total JIT compile time: 20.714 sec.
Total JVM GC count: 228.
Total JVM GC time: 3.195 sec.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
awk '/Total execution time:/{print $(NF-1)}' file