
时间:2018-06-13 18:35:03

标签: javascript jquery json ajax getjson


中的$ .getJSON请求的结果
let routeHandler = function() {
    let makeRouteData = function(url) {
        // function that turns url into an object
    this.request = function(url) {
            // "n.app" is the name of the app I'm requesting 
        let n = makeRouteData(url),
            // "e" lets me know which app will handle errors
            e = lsh.get('config').routing.noAccess,
            result = {};
        $.getJSON( "/apps/"+n.app+"/main.json", function(data){
            if (data.status == 200) {
                result = data;
            } else {
                $.getJSON( "/apps/"+e+"/main.json", function(data){
                    result = data;
            return result;
let route = new routeHandler();

我已经看过很多 SIMILAR 问题,但没有一个问题涉及如何返回 WITHIN的ajax请求的结果 一个功能。我希望route.request("dashboard")将关联的json数据作为对象返回,或者如果该应用不存在,则显示error应用的信息。< / p>

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