我遵循Improved Redux type safety with TypeScript 2.8中显示的模式,但我想添加一个扭曲。我的一些操作可以在不同的环境中重复使用,但需要一些额外的识别信息,以便在reducer中对它们进行排序。
// Removed `payload` and `error` for this reproduction
interface FluxStandardAction<T extends string, Meta> {
type: T;
meta?: Meta;
// Our basic actions
enum ActionType {
One = "one",
Two = "two",
interface Action1 {
type: ActionType.One;
interface Action2 {
type: ActionType.Two;
type Action = Action1 | Action2;
function action1(): Action1 {
return { type: ActionType.One }
function action2(): Action2 {
return { type: ActionType.Two }
// Higher order action modifiers that augment the meta
interface MetaAlpha {
meta: {
alpha: string;
function addMetaAlpha<T extends string, M extends {}, A extends FluxStandardAction<T, M>>(action: () => A, alpha: string) {
return function (): A & MetaAlpha {
let { type, meta } = action();
return { type, meta }; // Error here
Type '{ type: T; meta: M; }' is not assignable to type 'A & MetaAlpha'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'type' does not exist in type 'A & MetaAlpha'. Did you mean to write 'type'?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
错误有点误导,但原因是您试图分配一个对象文字,其中包含泛型类型A extends FluxStandardAction
和{ {1}},meta
如果要返回包含所有原始属性的对象,并使用新let result : FluxStandardAction<T, M> = { type: type, meta };
此外,我不会使function addMetaAlpha<A extends FluxStandardAction<string, any>>(action: () => A, alpha: string) {
return function (): A & MetaAlpha {
let act = action();
return Object.assign(act, {
meta: {
var metaAct1 = addMetaAlpha(action1, "DD"); // () => Action1 & MetaAlpha
成为可选项,因为如果操作被扩充,属性将存在,我将更改函数的约束(尽管您应该看到它如何与代码库的其余部分交互) :
答案 1 :(得分:0)
使用provided solution for my action creators之后,我对减速器的方向略有不同。
// Basic actions
// Removed payload and error for this demonstration
interface FluxStandardAction<T extends string, Meta = undefined> {
type: T;
meta?: Meta;
enum ActionType {
One = "one",
Two = "two",
const action1 = () => ({ type: ActionType.One });
const action2 = () => ({ type: ActionType.Two });
type Action =
| ReturnType<typeof action1>
| ReturnType<typeof action2>
// Higher order action modifiers that augment the action's meta properties
interface WithGreekLetter {
meta: {
greek: string;
const withGreekLetter = <T extends string, M extends {}, A extends FluxStandardAction<T, M>>(action: () => A, greek: string) =>
(): A & WithGreekLetter => {
let act = action();
let meta = Object.assign({}, act.meta, { greek });
return Object.assign(act, { meta });
const isWithGreekLetter = (a: any): a is WithGreekLetter =>
a['meta'] && a['meta']['greek'];
// A basic reusable reducer
type State = number;
const initialState: State = 0;
function plainReducer(state: State, action: Action): State {
switch (action.type) {
case ActionType.One:
return state + 1;
case ActionType.Two:
return state + 2;
return state;
// The higher-order reducer
const forGreekLetter = <S, A>(reducer: (state: S, action: A) => S, greek: string) =>
(state: S, action: A) =>
isWithGreekLetter(action) && action.meta.greek === greek ? reducer(state, action) : state;
// Build the concrete action creator and reducer instances
const ALPHA = 'alpha';
const BETA = 'beta';
let oneA = withGreekLetter(action1, ALPHA);
let oneB = withGreekLetter(action1, BETA);
let twoA = withGreekLetter(action2, ALPHA);
let twoB = withGreekLetter(action2, BETA);
let reducerAlphaNoInitial = forGreekLetter(plainReducer, ALPHA);
let reducerA = (state = initialState, action: Action) => reducerAlphaNoInitial(state, action);
let reducerBetaNoInitial = forGreekLetter(plainReducer, BETA);
let reducerB = (state = initialState, action: Action) => reducerBetaNoInitial(state, action);
// Exercise the action creators and reducers
let actions = [oneB(), oneA(), twoB(), twoA(), twoB()];
let stateA: State | undefined = undefined;
let stateB: State | undefined = undefined;
for (const action of actions) {
stateA = reducerA(stateA, action);
stateB = reducerB(stateB, action);
console.log({ stateA, stateB });
// {stateA: 3, stateB: 5}
const isAction = (a: any): a is Action =>
export const onlySpecificAction = <S, A1, A2>(reducer: (s: S, a: A1) => S, isA: IsA<A1>) =>
(state: S, action: A2) =>
isA(action) ? reducer(state, action) : state;