
时间:2018-06-11 09:59:56

标签: excel vba excel-vba out-of-memory counter

  • 列“A”:tex文件名列表
  • 列“B”:文本文件中应包含多少行
  • 列“C”:实际上文本文件中有多少行
  • E1:源路径
  • E2:限制器,如果文本文件的RowInSummary编号等于或小于E2,则会计算文本文件行

我的脚本计算每个文件的行数。但是如果我将限制器设置得太高(例如500.000或1M)或者文件太多,则脚本不会计算每个文件的行数,因为程序内存不足。 (限制器没有必要,我把它称为“内存耗尽”问题,原本我不想用它。)

enter image description here

Sub counter()
    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
    Dim ts As TextStream
    Dim longtext As String
    Dim lines As Variant
    Dim GoToNum As Integer
    Dim Start As Integer
    GoToNum = 2
    Start = 3

    Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(Start, 1))
        GoToNum = GoToNum + 1
        Start = Start + 1

    For i = 3 To GoToNum

        If Cells(i, 2).Value <= Cells(2, 5).Value Then

            ConOrg = Cells(1, 4).Value & "\" & Cells(i, 1).Value

            Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(ConOrg, ForReading, False)
            longtext = ts.ReadAll

            lines = Split(longtext, vbLf)
            Cells(i, 3) = UBound(lines) - LBound(lines) - 1

        End If

    Next i

End Sub


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


   Sub LinesCounter()

    Dim Path As String
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim SomeText As String
    Dim TextLine As String
    Dim LineCounter As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim GoToNum, Start As Long

    Path = Cells(1, 5).Value
    Start = 3

    Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(Start, 1))
        GoToNum = GoToNum + 1
        Start = Start + 1

    For i = 3 To GoToNum
            FileName = Cells(i, 1).Value

            Open Path & FileName For Input As #1
                Do Until EOF(1)
                    Line Input #1, TextLine
                    'SomeText = SomeText & " " & TextLine
                    LineCounter = LineCounter + 1
            Close #1
            'you can comment line below, it's only for testing
            Debug.Print "There is a: " & LineCounter & " lines in " & _
            FileName & " text file."

            'Adding values to Excel sheet
            Cells(i, 3) = LineCounter
    Next i
    End Sub