Python - 如何从sqlite3列创建嵌套字典并使用Matplotlib绘制图形?

时间:2018-06-09 23:58:34

标签: python matplotlib sqlite

我正在尝试从我创建的数据库的sqlite3列创建一个嵌套字典,该数据库基于我观看过的动画(长达数百个条目)。数据库中的两列是" DateWatched"这是我观看特定动画的日期(如6月6日 - 6月8日等),另一栏是#34;年"这是我看动漫的一年。


      DateWatched                | Year
Dec 18-Dec 23                    | 2013
Dec 25-Jan 10                    | 2013 and 2014
Feb 2014 and Jan 1-Jan 3 2016    | 2014 and 2016   #Some anime get another season years later so any date after an "and" is another season
Mar 10th                         | 2014
Mar 13th                         | 2014



Final = {'2013':{'Dec':2},
         '2014':{'Jan':1, 'Feb':1,'Mar':2}


MonthColumn = [i[0] for i in c.execute("SELECT DateWatched FROM Anime").fetchall()]  #'Anime' is just the name of arbitrary name for the database
x = [item.replace('-',' ') for item in [y for x in MonthColumn for y in re.split(' and ', x)]]  #Gets rid of '-' in each row and splits into two strings any place with an 'and'
v = [' '.join(OrderedDict((w,w) for w in item.split()).keys()) for item in x]  # Removes duplicate words ("Dec 18-Dec 23" becomes "Dec 18 23")
j = [y for j in v for y in j.split()]  #Splits into separate strings ("Dec 18 23" becomes "Dec", "18", "23")
Month = [item for item in j if item.isalpha()] #Final list and removes any string with numbers (So "Dec","18","23" becomes "Dec")

YearColumn = [i[0] for i in c.execute("SELECT Year FROM Anime").fetchall()]
Year = [item for Year in YearColumn for item in re.split(' and ', Year)]  #Final list and removes any "and" and splits the string into 2 (So "2013 and 2014" becomes "2013","2014")

#So in the example columns I gave above, my final lists become
Month = ['Dec','Dec','Jan','Feb','Jan','Mar','Mar']
Year =  ['2013','2013','2014','2014','2016','2014',2014']



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import re, sqlite3 
import itertools, collections
data = list(sqlite3.connect('db_tablename.db').cursor().execute("SELECT  DateWatched, Year FROM tablename"))
new_parsed = [[list(filter(lambda x:x != 'and', re.findall('[a-zA-Z]+', a))), re.findall('\d+', b)] for a, b in data]
new_results = [i for b in [list(zip(*i)) for i in new_parsed] for i in b]
groups = {a:collections.Counter([c for c, _ in b]) for a, b in itertools.groupby(sorted(new_results, key=lambda x:x[-1]), key=lambda x:x[-1])}

这会得到{'2013': Counter({'Dec': 2}), '2014': Counter({'Mar': 2, 'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 1}), '2016': Counter({'Jan': 1})}的结果。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
months = ['Dec', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar']
new_months = {a:[[i, b.get(i, 0)] for i in months] for a, b in groups.items()}
labels = iter(['Dec', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'][::-1])
for i in range(len(new_months['2013'])):
  i = len(new_months['2013'])-i-1
  _current = [b[i][-1] for _, b in sorted(new_months.items(), key=lambda x:int(x[0]))]
  _previous = [sum(c[-1] for c in b[:-i]) for _, b in sorted(new_months.items(), key=lambda x:int(x[0]))]
  if not all(_previous):, _current, label = next(labels))
  else:, _current, label = next(labels), bottom = _previous)

plt.xticks(range(len(new_months)), sorted(new_months, key=lambda x:int(x)))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

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