这是我的情况: 我有一个训练有素的语音合成模型。我将加快多处理速度的合成速度,在每个CPU中预先加载模型,然后继续输入文本到语音的句子。
from multiprocessing import Process, Pool, cpu_count
import os,time
from tacotron.demo_synthesizer import Synthesizer
from splitting_sent import splitting_para
import tensorflow as tf
from datasets import audio
from pypinyin import pinyin, Style
BASE_DIR = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
VOICE = BASE_DIR + "/tmp"
TXT = BASE_DIR + "/txt"
os.makedirs(VOICE, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(TXT, exist_ok=True)
def syn(py):
synthesizer = Synthesizer()
wav_name = time.time()
wav_path = VOICE + "/" + str(wav_name)
wav = synthesizer.synthesize(py)
audio.save_wav(wav, wav_path)
if __name__ =='__main__':
with open(os.path.join(TXT, "content.txt"), "r") as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
lines = "".join(lines)
sentences = splitting_para(lines)
# splitting paragraph into individual sentences.
py_list = []
for sent in sentences:
py_sent = pinyin(sent, style=Style.TONE3)
py_sent = " ".join([i[0] for i in py_sent if i[0].isalnum()])
# as I am trying the Chinese TTS, it is the inevitable prerequisite step of translating Chinese character into Pinyin.
print('Run the main process (%s).' % (os.getpid()))
mainStart = time.time()
p = Pool(cpu_count())
for py in py_list:
print('Waiting for all subprocesses done ...')
print('All subprocesses done')
mainEnd = time.time()
print('All process ran %0.2f seconds.' % (mainEnd-mainStart))
我坚持这个问题:我只能将12个模型预加载到12个进程中以合成随机句子。但是,不可能继续将下12个句子输入到预加载模型中。在完成第一组12个句子之后终止了这些过程。我完全迷失在这里。 :(
如果有任何建议,我非常感激。 :)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Process, Pool, cpu_count, Queue
import os, time, sys
from tacotron.demo_synthesizer import Synthesizer
from splitting_sent import splitting_para
import tensorflow as tf
from datasets import audio
from pypinyin import pinyin, Style
BASE_DIR = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
VOICE = BASE_DIR + "/tmp"
TXT = BASE_DIR + "/txt"
os.makedirs(VOICE, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(TXT, exist_ok=True)
num_cpu = cpu_count() - 1
q = []
q_re = []
for tmp in range(num_cpu):
def syn(id):
synthesizer = Synthesizer()
print("LOADED at {} CPU".format(id))
while not q[id].empty():
input_py = q[id].get(True)
print("Starting decode:", id)
wav_name = time.time()
wav_path = VOICE + "/" + str(wav_name)
wav = synthesizer.synthesize(input_py)
audio.save_wav(wav, wav_path)
print("Decoded:", id)
if __name__ =='__main__':
with open(os.path.join(TXT, "content.txt"), "r") as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
lines = "".join(lines)
sentences = splitting_para(lines)
py_list = []
for sent in sentences:
py_sent = pinyin(sent, style=Style.TONE3)
py_sent = " ".join([i[0] for i in py_sent if i[0].isalnum()])
for x in range(num_cpu):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=syn, args=(x,))
# decoding
for index, py in enumerate(py_list):
q[index % num_cpu].put(py)