How to work with a specific version of ChromeDriver while Chrome Browser gets updated automatically through Python selenium

时间:2018-06-05 05:00:39

标签: python google-chrome selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-chromedriver

I'm new comer of Selenium, and I can use selenium with Chromedriver to do basic auto-test now, the code works fine, but the problem is Chrome browser always update automatically at the backend, and code always fail to run after Chrome update. I know I need to download new chromedriver to solve this issue, but I wonder if there's any way to solve this issue without disabling chromebrowser update? tks.

I'm using Windows 10 / Chrome Version 67 / Python 3.6.4 / Selenium 3.12.0

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

,除了更新 ChromeDriver 二进制版本之外别无选择,而 Chrome浏览器会自动更新。


在对现有功能进行某些功能添加,修改和删除后,将发布每个 Chrome浏览器。要符合当前的浏览器功能 Chrome Team 会不时发布兼容的 ChromeDriver 二进制文件。这些 ChromeDriver 二进制文件能够与 Chrome浏览器进行交互。某些版本的 ChromeDriver 二进制文件支持特定范围的 Chrome浏览器版本(部分最新版本),如下所示:

  • ChromeDriver v 2.41 (2018-07-27)

    Supports Chrome v67-69
  • ChromeDriver v 2.40 (2018-06-07)

    Supports Chrome v66-68
  • ChromeDriver v 2.39 (2018-05-30)

    Supports Chrome v66-68
  • ChromeDriver v 2.38 (2018-04-17)

    Supports Chrome v65-67
  • ChromeDriver v 2.37 (2018-03-16)

    Supports Chrome v64-66
  • ChromeDriver v 2.36 (2018-03-02)

    Supports Chrome v63-65
  • ChromeDriver v 2.35 (2018-01-10)

    Supports Chrome v62-64
  • ChromeDriver v 2.34 (2017-12-10)

    Supports Chrome v61-63
  • ChromeDriver v 2.33 (2017-10-03)

    Supports Chrome v60-62
  • ChromeDriver v 2.32 (2017-08-30)

    Supports Chrome v59-61
  • ChromeDriver v 2.31 (2017-07-21)

    Supports Chrome v58-60
  • ChromeDriver v 2.30 (2017-06-07)

    Supports Chrome v58-60
  • ChromeDriver v 2.29 (2017-04-04)

    Supports Chrome v56-58


要使您的脚本/程序与更新的 Chrome浏览器保持互动,您必须将 ChromeDriver 二进制文件的版本与 Chrome浏览器根据兼容性。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


但是在遇到此问题之前,您首先需要确保安装新的驱动程序,这些脚本将自动下载最新版本/寻找最新版本的ChromeDriver并将其下载到新的文件夹位置。 Chrome版本更新后,它将仅使用新的文件夹位置。如果chrome的浏览器版本更新了,并且上没有可用的版本,则脚本应正常运行。



干杯! 马特

# as per

import win32api

def getFileProperties(fname):
    Read all properties of the given file return them as a dictionary.
    propNames = ('Comments', 'InternalName', 'ProductName',
        'CompanyName', 'LegalCopyright', 'ProductVersion',
        'FileDescription', 'LegalTrademarks', 'PrivateBuild',
        'FileVersion', 'OriginalFilename', 'SpecialBuild')

    props = {'FixedFileInfo': None, 'StringFileInfo': None, 'FileVersion': None}

        # backslash as parm returns dictionary of numeric info corresponding to VS_FIXEDFILEINFO struc
        fixedInfo = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\')
        props['FixedFileInfo'] = fixedInfo
        props['FileVersion'] = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] / 65536,
                fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] % 65536, fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] / 65536,
                fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] % 65536)

        # \VarFileInfo\Translation returns list of available (language, codepage)
        # pairs that can be used to retreive string info. We are using only the first pair.
        lang, codepage = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation')[0]

        # any other must be of the form \StringfileInfo\%04X%04X\parm_name, middle
        # two are language/codepage pair returned from above

        strInfo = {}
        for propName in propNames:
            strInfoPath = u'\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\%s' % (lang, codepage, propName)
            ## print str_info
            strInfo[propName] = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, strInfoPath)

        props['StringFileInfo'] = strInfo

    return props

from getFileProperties import *

chrome_browser = #'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe' -- ENTER YOUR Chrome.exe filepath

cb_dictionary = getFileProperties(chrome_browser) # returns whole string of version (ie. 76.0.111)

chrome_browser_version = cb_dictionary['FileVersion'][:2] # substring version to capabable version (ie. 77 / 76)

nextVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) +1) # grabs the next version of the chrome browser

lastVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) -1) # grabs the last version of the chrome browser

from ChromeVersion import chrome_browser_version, nextVersion, lastVersion

driverName = "\\chromedriver.exe"

# defining base file directory of chrome drivers
driver_loc = #"C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32\\ChromeDriver\\" -- ENTER the file path of your exe
# -- I created a separate folder to house the versions of chromedriver, previous versions will be deleted after downloading the newest version.
# ie. version 75 will be deleted after 77 has been downloaded.

# defining the file path of your exe file automatically updating based on your browsers current version of chrome.
currentPath = driver_loc + chrome_browser_version + driverName 
# check file directories to see if chrome drivers exist in nextVersion

import os.path

# check if new version of drive exists --> only continue if it doesn't
Newpath = driver_loc + nextVersion

# check if we have already downloaded the newest version of the browser, ie if we have version 76, and have already downloaded a version of 77, we don't need to run any more of the script.
newfileloc = Newpath + driverName
exists = os.path.exists(newfileloc)

if (exists == False):

    #open chrome driver and attempt to download new chrome driver exe file.

    from selenium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
    from import Options
    import time
    chrome_options = Options()
    executable_path = currentPath
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, options=chrome_options)

    # opening up url of chromedriver to get new version of chromedriver.
    chromeDriverURL = '' + nextVersion 


    # find records of table rows
    table = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('tr')

    # check the length of the table
    Table_len = len(table)

    # ensure that table length is greater than 4, else fail. -- table length of 4 is default when there are no availble updates
    if (Table_len > 4 ):

        # define string value of link
        rowText = table[(len(table)-2)].text[:6]
        # select the value of the row
        driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(text(),' + '"' + str(rowText) + '"'+')]').click()
        #select chromedriver zip for windows 
        driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(text(),' + '"' + "win32" + '"'+')]').click()


        from zipfile import ZipFile
        import shutil

        fileName = #r"C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\" --> enter your download path here.

        # Create a ZipFile Object and load in it
        with ZipFile(fileName, 'r') as zipObj:
           # Extract all the contents of zip file in different directory

        # delete downloaded file

        # defining old chrome driver location
        oldPath = driver_loc + lastVersion
        oldpathexists = os.path.exists(oldPath)

        # this deletes the old folder with the older version of chromedriver in it (version 75, once 77 has been downloaded)
        if(oldpathexists == True):
            shutil.rmtree(oldPath, ignore_errors=True)


答案 2 :(得分:1)

对于Ubuntu / Linux:


version=$(curl -s
wget -qP "/tmp/" "${version}/"
sudo unzip -o /tmp/ -d /usr/bin


sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable

答案 3 :(得分:1)



chromedriver-autoinstaller 自动下载并安装支持当前安装的chrome版本的chromedriver。该安装程序支持Linux,MacOS和Windows操作系统。


pip install chromedriver-autoinstaller


from selenium import webdriver
import chromedriver_autoinstaller

chromedriver_autoinstaller.install()  # Check if the current version of chromedriver exists
                                      # and if it doesn't exist, download it automatically,
                                      # then add chromedriver to path

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
assert "Python" in driver.title

答案 4 :(得分:0)







pip install webdriver-manager


from selenium import webdriver
from import ChromeDriverManager

driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())

答案 5 :(得分:0)


#downloading compatible chrome driver version
#getting the current chrome browser version
**chromeVersion=$(google-chrome --product-version)**
#getting the major version value from the full version
# setting the base url for getting the release url for the chrome driver
#creating the latest release driver url based on the major version of the chrome
**echo $latestDriverReleaseURL**
#file name of the file that gets downloaded which would contain the full version of the chrome driver to download
#downloading the file that would contain the full release version compatible with the major release of the chrome browser version
**wget $latestDriverReleaseURL** 
#reading the file to get the version of the chrome driver that we should download
**latestFullDriverVersion=$(cat $latestDriverVersionFileName)**
**echo $latestFullDriverVersion**
#creating the final URL by passing the compatible version of the chrome driver that we should download
**echo $finalURL**
**wget $finalURL**

