Cartesian to wgs84 convertion in Python

时间:2018-06-04 17:15:02

标签: python cartesian-coordinates wgs84

The task is to do a scatter plot to point out some factories in the city on the map.

I ve already found out how to do a scatter plot on a google map.

But the point is that I have a list of X,Y coordinates of this factories relatively one big and the most important factory. So, this big factory has (0,0) coordinates and I could find lon/lat coordinates only for this factory because I know how its called. But to draw markers on the map I can use decimal degrees coordinates. And I dont know whether it is possible to find a position of other factories in decimal degrees or not?

I m really lost in lots of formulae. So, as I ve learned, google map use WGS84 geodetic system. As far as I understood formulae like here Yasmin or here BobC should be used.

But still it seems that there are mistakes in those solutions.

Could somebody give me some tips? Thanks in advance!

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