I have implement a breadth first search for a school project where i get the start-node of a directional graph as an input and i have to return a Linked List containing the nodes in BFS order
This is my approach:
public List<Node> breadthFirstSearch(Node startNode){
//node list that has to be returned
LinkedList<Node> nodeList = new LinkedList<Node>();
//Queueu for the DfS Algorithm
Queue<Node> nodeQueue = new LinkedList<Node>();
//Add start node to NodeList and Queue
//While the Queue isn't empty
while(!nodeQueue.isEmpty()) {
Node v = nodeQueue.poll();
//iterate over adjacent nodes of current node and add them to Queue and List
for (Node w : getAdjacentNodes(v)) {
//don't add if already traversed node
if (!nodeList.contains(w)) {
return nodeList;
I have tested my function for several graphs and I didn't get any errors at my own tests. But when I upload my code to the schools servers and they run their tests i get following error: java.lang.NullPointerException in SearchTestng.testBFSCliqueNodes(SearchTestng.java:512)
I have been trying to reproduce the problem for hours now and none of my tutors seems to have an idea what could be causing the exception.
Does any of you have an idea what could possibly cause a null pointer exception here ?