
时间:2018-06-03 16:08:44

标签: javascript node.js discord.js

我想用嵌入消息进行投票 当有人添加反应时,我想添加一个喜欢并在嵌入中显示喜欢的数量。这是一个例子:


messageReaction.message.embeds[0].fields[0] = "Some much like";

但嵌入消息不会更新 我试图用这个更新消息:

function doAfakeEdit(message){

它仍保留该字段的旧值 我该怎么办?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed({
  title: 'Suggestion by someone',
  description: 'This is a test suggestion. Can you please like it or dislike it :)',
  fields: [{
    name: 'Like:',
    value: '<3'

2)将Embed发送到您的频道(我向其添加了一些Reaction - 可能与您的方式相同):

// add reaction emojis to message
  .then(msg => msg.react('✅'))
  .then(mReaction => mReaction.message.react('❎'))
  .then(mReaction => {
    // fun stuff here

3)在我放置ReactionCollector的位置内创建// fun stuff here(您可以使用不同的reactionFilter和时间限制):

const reactionFilter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '✅';

// createReactionCollector - responds on each react, AND again at the end.
const collector = mReaction.message
  .createReactionCollector(reactionFilter, {
    time: 15000

// set collector events
collector.on('collect', r => {
  // see step 4
// you can put anything you want here
collector.on('end', collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} reactions`));

4)在'collect'事件中(我放置// see step 4),创建一个具有大致相似值的新Embed(或不 - 你改变你想要的任何东西),然后把它新Embed通过.edit(...)返回原始邮件:

// immutably copy embed's 'Like:' field to new obj
let embedLikeField = Object.assign({}, embed.fields[0]);

// update 'field' with new value - you probably want emojis here
embedLikeField.value = '<3 <3 <3';

// create new embed with old title & description, new field
const newEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed({
  title: embed.title,
  description: embed.description,
  fields: [embedLikeField]

// edit message with new embed
// NOTE: can only edit messages you author
  .then(newMsg => console.log(`new embed added`)) // this is not necessary
  .catch(console.log); // useful for catching errors


const reactionFilter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === '✅';

const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed({
  title: 'Suggestion by someone',
  description: 'This is a test suggestion. Can you please like it or dislike it :)',
  fields: [{
    name: 'Like:',
    value: '<3'

// add reaction emoji to message
  .then(msg => msg.react('✅'))
  .then(mReaction => mReaction.message.react('❎'))
  .then(mReaction => {
    // createReactionCollector - responds on each react, AND again at the end.
    const collector = mReaction.message
      .createReactionCollector(reactionFilter, {
        time: 15000

    // set collector events
    collector.on('collect', r => {
      // immutably copy embed's Like field to new obj
      let embedLikeField = Object.assign({}, embed.fields[0]);

      // update 'field' with new value
      embedLikeField.value = '<3 <3 <3';

      // create new embed with old title & description, new field
      const newEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed({
        title: embed.title,
        description: embed.description,
        fields: [embedLikeField]

      // edit message with new embed
      // NOTE: can only edit messages you author
        .then(newMsg => console.log(`new embed added`))
    collector.on('end', collected => console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} reactions`));


答案 1 :(得分:0)



message.embeds[0].fields[0] = "Some much like;
message.edit(new Discord.RichEmbed(message.embeds[0]));