
时间:2018-06-01 05:18:21

标签: c++ arrays


  1. 显示数组的第一个和最后一个元素

  2. 之间的差异
  3. 如何在此程序中的指定索引之前显示数组的元素?

  4. 问题描述:



    1. 在main中声明数组(不允许使用全局变量!),

    2. 使用你的randint()函数将上面的数组初始化为随机值3到7

    3. 然后使用下面提供的原型调用函数!
    4. 为此,您必须编写下面提供的原型的函数定义:

      void showArray ( int a[ ], int size );      // shows the array in the format "int a [ ] = { 3, 7, 4, ... ,5, 6, 3, 4, 7 } "
      void showReverse ( int a[ ], int size );    // shows the array in reverse using the format "int a [ ] = { 7, 4, 3, 6, 5, ... , 4, 7, 3 } "
      int  lowest ( int a[ ], int size );         // finds and returns the lowest value in the array (should be 7)
      int  highest ( int a[ ], int size );        // finds and returns the highest value in the array (should be 3)
      int  sumArray ( int a[ ], int size );       // calculates and returns the sum of all values in the array
      float averageVal ( int a[ ], int size );    // calculates and returns the average of all values in the array
      int count5 ( int a[ ], int size );           // returns how many times the number 5 appears in the array
      int firstMinusLast ( int a[ ], int size );   // returns the difference between the First Array Element - Last Array Element
      void showBeforeIndex( int a [ ], int size, int index);  // shows all array values before a specified index
      void done ( );                   // a function that shows the message "I am now done with CSS1! :) 
      int randint(int min, int max);   // a function that returns a random integer between min and max

      这是我到目前为止的代码 - 我是如何做数组的,用于显示第一个和最后一个数组元素之间的区别以及确定在指定索引之前显示数组元素的方法(对于例如,指数3)?

      #include <time.h>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      using namespace std;
      void showArray ( int a[ ], int size ); // shows the array in the format "int a [ ] = { 3, 7, 4, ... ,5, 6, 3, 4, 7 } "
      void showReverse ( int a[ ], int size );
      int  lowest ( int a[ ], int size );
      int highest ( int a[ ], int size );
      int  sumArray ( int a[ ], int size );
      float averageVal ( int a[ ], int size );
      int count5 ( int a[ ], int size );                              // returns how many times the number 5 appears in the array
      int firstMinusLast ( int a[ ], int size );                      // returns the difference between the First Array Element - Last Array Element
      void showBeforeIndex( int a [ ], int size, int index);          // shows all array values before a specified index
      void done ();      
      int randint(int min, int max);                                  // a function that returns a random integer between min and max
      int main ()
          int i = 0;
          const int size = 25; // size variable for arrays
          int randint[size], lowest, highest;
          cout << "Making an array of 25 random integers from 3 to 7!\n";
          cout << "\n";
          cout << "Original array a [ ] = {";
          for(i; i < size; i++)
              randint[i] = 3 + rand () % 5; // random number between 3 to 7
           showArray(randint, size); // pass the array and its SIZE to function
           cout << "}\n";
          // Reversed array
           // One way to reverse an array is to swap the first and last value,
          // then swap the second and second-to-last value,
          // then swap the third and third-to-last value, and so on...
          cout << "\n" << "Reversed array a [ ] = { ";
          int j = size-1; // initialize j to the last index
          i = 0;  // set i to the beginning index (i.e. index 0)
          while( i <= j)  // keep loop until i and j cross over
              std::swap(randint[i], randint[j]); // swap the values at i-th and j-th index
              i++; // move i forwards
              j--; // move j backwards
          showReverse(randint, size);
          cout << "}\n";
          for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
          cout<<"\nLowest value is : "<<lowest <<"\n";
          cout<<"\nHighest value is : "<<highest <<"\n";
          int sum=0;
          for (int a=0; a<size; a++)
          cout << "\nThe sum of all array elements is " << sum << endl;
          float average=sum/size;
          cout << "\nThe average of all array values is " << average << endl;
          int numsearch = 5;
          int counter = 0;
          for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
              if(randint[i] == numsearch)
          std::cout << "\nThe number 5 appears " << counter <<" times.\n";
          std::cout << firstMinusLast;
          return 0;
      // Function definitions
      void showArray ( int a[ ], int size )
           for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) std::cout << a[i] << " ";
      void showReverse ( int a[ ], int size )
           for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) std::cout << a[i] << " ";
      int count5(int numsearch, int randint[], int size)
          int counter = 0;
          for(int a = 0; a < size; a++)
              if(randint[a] == numsearch)
          return counter;
      int first (int size)  /// find the first digit
              while (size >=25)
                  size /= 25;
              return size;
      int last (int size)  /// find the first digit
              return (size%25);
      int firstMinusLast ( int a[ ], int size )
          int first = -1, last = -1;
          for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
          if (a != rand[i])
          if (first == -1)
              first = i;
          last = i;
      if (first != -1)
          cout << "First minus last = " << first-last;
      /* SAMPLE RUN:
      ERRORS – will not compile; errors say: 
      ||=== Build file: "no target" in "no project" (compiler: unknown) ===|
      |In function 'int firstMinusLast(int*, int)'|
      |214|warning: pointer to a function used in arithmetic [-Wpointer-arith]|
      |214|error: comparison between distinct pointer types 'int*' and 'int   (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) *)()' lacks a cast [-fpermissive]|
      ||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 1 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))     

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


请在main()中将它们分开并仅调用。 (注意,您可以使用求和函数来计算平均值)。


int firstMinusLast(int a[], int size)
    return(a[0] - a[size-1]);



void ShowBeforeIndex(int a[], int size, int index)
    for(int Ix = 0; Ix < index; Ix++)
        cout << a[Ix] << " ";
