Drupal 6 Location Module使用邮政编码获取城市名称

时间:2011-02-21 07:46:13

标签: php drupal-6 drupal-views drupal-modules




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

部分内容已经解决。这可能对其他人有所帮助。 您可以通过位置模块中提供的功能获得邮政编码信息,即 location_get_postalcode_data ,它接受位置参数作为数组

@param $location
 *   Array. the location data
 *   -> the values are:
 *     'street'         => the string representing the street location (REQUIRED)
 *     'additional'     => the string representing the additional street location portion in the location form
 *     'city'           => the city name (REQUIRED)
 *     'province'       => the province code defined in the country-specific include file
 *     'country'        => the lower-case of the two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
 *     'postal_code'    => the postal-code (REQUIRED)

我还在支持的目录中提供了我所在国家/地区特定的 .inc 文件中的一些修改,以获取额外信息以及默认的lat-lon信息。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

public function 
    #   REFERENCE SITE URL = http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/rest/V1/geocode.html

    #   get and output "<Result>" elements
    foreach ($result as $val)
        return $null;