on readFile(theFile)
-- Convert the file to a string
set theFile to theFile as string
-- Read the file and return its contents
global messageData
tell application "JSON Helper"
set messageData to read JSON from (read file theFile)
set theList to |list| of messageData
repeat with element from 1 to length of theList
set currentElement to item element of theList
log currentElement
tell application "Messages"
global _message
set _message to message of currentElement
on error
set _message to "How's it going?"
end try
set _person to person of currentElement
set theNumber to buddy _person
log theNumber
send _message to theNumber
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end readFile
"list" : [
"person":"John Doe",
"message":"Something Something"
AppleScript如何将该名称与好友联系起来? (基本上"伙伴"关键字是如何工作的?)