答案 0 :(得分:0)
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": "https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#list-commits-on-a-repository"
# as per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/580924/python-windows-file-version-attribute
import win32api
def getFileProperties(fname):
Read all properties of the given file return them as a dictionary.
propNames = ('Comments', 'InternalName', 'ProductName',
'CompanyName', 'LegalCopyright', 'ProductVersion',
'FileDescription', 'LegalTrademarks', 'PrivateBuild',
'FileVersion', 'OriginalFilename', 'SpecialBuild')
props = {'FixedFileInfo': None, 'StringFileInfo': None, 'FileVersion': None}
# backslash as parm returns dictionary of numeric info corresponding to VS_FIXEDFILEINFO struc
fixedInfo = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\')
props['FixedFileInfo'] = fixedInfo
props['FileVersion'] = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionMS'] % 65536, fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] / 65536,
fixedInfo['FileVersionLS'] % 65536)
# \VarFileInfo\Translation returns list of available (language, codepage)
# pairs that can be used to retreive string info. We are using only the first pair.
lang, codepage = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation')[0]
# any other must be of the form \StringfileInfo\%04X%04X\parm_name, middle
# two are language/codepage pair returned from above
strInfo = {}
for propName in propNames:
strInfoPath = u'\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\%s' % (lang, codepage, propName)
## print str_info
strInfo[propName] = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, strInfoPath)
props['StringFileInfo'] = strInfo
return props
from getFileProperties import *
chrome_browser = #'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe' -- ENTER YOUR Chrome.exe filepath
cb_dictionary = getFileProperties(chrome_browser) # returns whole string of version (ie. 76.0.111)
chrome_browser_version = cb_dictionary['FileVersion'][:2] # substring version to capabable version (ie. 77 / 76)
nextVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) +1) # grabs the next version of the chrome browser
lastVersion = str(int(chrome_browser_version) -1) # grabs the last version of the chrome browser