我正在设计一个六边形网格,我需要能够为每个六边形命名,所以我稍后可以参考它们。下面是我的类,它生成六边形网格,我已经标记了代码,所以你可以理解发生了什么。 我一直在寻找一段时间阅读很多关于图形的内容,但我无法通过我见过的答案得到一个有效的设计。也许,我通过使用Graphics会出现这种错误,但我的计划是能够点击每个六边形并使用它做一些事情。
' Generate Hexagon Grid
Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
' Hexagon Grid Parameters
Dim HexagonRadius As Integer = 20 ' Fix "Position Hexagon Grid Columns" Before Changing Hexagon Radius
Dim GridSize As Integer = 10
' Generate Hexagon Grid
Dim HexagonX As Integer = HexagonRadius
Dim HexagonY As Integer = HexagonRadius
For i As Integer = 1 To GridSize
For j As Integer = 1 To GridSize
' Hexagon Vertex Coordinates
Dim point1 As New Point((HexagonX - HexagonRadius), (HexagonY))
Dim point2 As New Point((HexagonX - (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY + ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point3 As New Point((HexagonX + (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY + ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point4 As New Point((HexagonX + HexagonRadius), (HexagonY))
Dim point5 As New Point((HexagonX + (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY - ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim point6 As New Point((HexagonX - (HexagonRadius / 2)), (HexagonY - ((HexagonRadius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3))))
Dim hexagonPoints As Point() = {point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6}
' Create Hexagon
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Green, hexagonPoints)
' Hexagon Outline
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point1, point2)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point2, point3)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point3, point4)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point4, point5)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point5, point6)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point6, point1)
' Position Hexagon Grid Columns
HexagonY += 34 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
If i Mod 2 > 0 Then
HexagonY = 36.75 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
HexagonY = 20 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
End If
HexagonX += 30 ' Specific to Hexagon Radius: 20
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您需要使用它的坐标创建一些Hexagon类(如果确实需要,可能是名称)。并将它们保存到一些合适的集合(可能是二维数组?) 这应该发生在Paint事件之外的某个地方,并且可能会在网格SizeChanged事件中重新计算。
编辑 :已添加代码示例
在项目属性中启用Option Strict On,以避免代码中出现许多您不知道的问题。
Public Class frmTest
Private Const HexagonRadius As Integer = 20
Private Const GridSize As Integer = 10
Private fHexagons As New List(Of Hexagon)
Private fCache As Bitmap
Private fGraphics As Graphics
Private Sub ResetHexagons() 'Call when some parameter changes (Radius/GridSize)
End Sub
Private Function EnsureHexagons() As List(Of Hexagon)
Dim X, Y As Single, xi, yi As Integer
If fHexagons.Count = 0 Then
X = HexagonRadius : Y = HexagonRadius
For xi = 1 To GridSize
For yi = 1 To GridSize
fHexagons.Add(New Hexagon(HexagonRadius, X, Y))
Y += 34
'Do your math to get theese values from HexagonRadius value
If xi Mod 2 > 0 Then
Y = 36.75
Y = 20
End If
X += 30
fCache = New Bitmap(GridSize * HexagonRadius * 2, GridSize * HexagonRadius * 2)
fGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(fCache)
For Each H As Hexagon In fHexagons
End If
Return fHexagons
End Function
Private Sub frmTest_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(fCache, Point.Empty)
End Sub
Private Sub frmTest_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick
Dim H As Hexagon = EnsureHexagons.FirstOrDefault(Function(X) X.Contains(e.Location))
If H IsNot Nothing Then
H.Checked = Not H.Checked
H.Render(fGraphics) 'Update cache without repainting all
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Hexagon
Public ReadOnly Radius, X, Y As Single
Public ReadOnly Points() As PointF
Public Property Checked As Boolean
Public Sub New(Radius As Single, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Radius = Radius : Me.X = X : Me.Y = Y
Points = {New PointF((X - Radius), (Y)),
New PointF((X - (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y + ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X + (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y + ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X + Radius), (Y)),
New PointF((X + (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y - ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3)))),
New PointF((X - (Radius / 2)), CSng(Y - ((Radius / 2) * Math.Sqrt(3.0!))))}
End Sub
Public Sub Render(G As Graphics)
' Create Hexagon
G.FillPolygon(If(Checked, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Green), Points)
' Hexagon Outline
For i As Integer = 0 To Points.Length - 1
G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Points(i), Points((i + 1) Mod Points.Length))
End Sub
Public Function Contains(P As Point) As Boolean
'Do your math here, this is just simplified estimation
Return X - Radius <= P.X AndAlso P.X <= X + Radius AndAlso Y - Radius <= P.Y AndAlso P.Y <= Y + Radius
End Function
End Class