.black-theme, .light-theme {
.popup {
$root: &;
color: red;
&--red {
#{$root}__close-button {
fill: red;
.black-theme .popup--red .black-theme .popup, .black-theme .popup--red .light-theme .popup__close-button, .light-theme .popup--red .black-theme .popup, .light-theme .popup--red .light-theme .popup__close-button {
fill: red;
.black-theme .popup--red .popup__close-button, .light-theme .popup--red .popup__close-button {
fill: red;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
.black-theme, .light-theme {
.popup {
$root: '.popup';
color: red;
&--red {
#{$root}__close-button {
fill: red;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
You could also use this approach. & is a sass list of lists referencing to all the parent elements for the current selector, so you can use all the list functions on & and easily get the nth child of & of your choice (in this case de second one):
.black-theme, .light-theme {
.popup {
$root: nth(nth(&, 1), 2); // Get just the second selector: .popup
color: red;
&--red {
#{$root}__close-button {
fill: red;
Hope it helps!