def get_flights_purchased():
flights_purchased = 0
while flights_purchased is not int:
flights_purchased = int(input("Please enter the number of flights that you purchased this month "))
except ValueError:
print('That is not a number. Please provide a whole number')
return flights_purchased
def calculate_flight_miles_earned(flights_purchased):
flight_miles = 0
if flights_purchased == 0:
flight_miles = 100
elif flights_purchased == 1:
flight_miles = 5
elif flights_purchased == 2:
flight_miles = 15
elif flights_purchased == 3:
flight_miles = 30
elif flights_purchased > 3:
flight_miles = 60
def output_flight_tier(flight_miles):
if flight_miles == 0:
print("You haven't flown with us yet, so you don't have a flight tier.")
elif flight_miles == 5:
print("You are in the economy airline tier")
elif flight_miles == 15:
print(" You are in the MVP airline tier")
elif flight_miles == 30:
print("You are in the MVP GOLD airline tier")
elif flight_miles > 30:
print("You are in the MVP GOLD tier!")
def final_evaluation(flights, output_flight_tier):
evaluation = ""
if flights < 15:
evaluation = "You are not a frequent flyer"
elif flights > 15:
evaluation = "You are a frequent flyer"
return evaluation
def output_point(get_flights_purchased, calculate_flight_miles_earned, output_flight_tier, final_evaluation):
print("The number of flights you have purchased is ", flights_purchased)
print(" The total # of miles earned from flights you have purchased is ", flights)
print("The final evaluation is", final_evaluation)
def main():
flights_purchased = 0
flight_miles = 0
evaluation = ""
flights_purchased = get_flights_purchased()
flight_miles = calculate_flight_miles_earned(flights_purchased)
evaluation = final_evaluation(flights, output_flight_tier)
output_point(get_flights_purchased, calculate_flight_miles_earned, output_flight_tier, final_evaluation)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您错误地调用了第二个子程序。 而不是:
return_value = function(parameter1, parameter2...)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
添加到random.george 11的回答中,你从未真正定义过&#39; flight_miles
output_flight_tier = flight_miles
答案 2 :(得分:0)
def get_flights_purchased():
flights_purchased = 0
while flights_purchased is not int:
flights_purchased = int(input("Please enter the number of
flights that you purchased this
month "))
except ValueError:
print('That is not a number. Please provide a whole number')
return flights_purchased
答案 3 :(得分:0)
def get_flights_purchased():
flights_purchased = -1
# "int" is a type, so flights_purchased is not going to equal "int"
while flights_purchased == -1:
flights_purchased = int(input("Please enter the number of flights that you purchased this month "))
except ValueError:
print('That is not a number. Please provide a whole number')
return flights_purchased
def calculate_flight_miles_earned(flights_purchased):
flight_miles = 0
if flights_purchased == 0:
flight_miles = 100
elif flights_purchased == 1:
flight_miles = 5
elif flights_purchased == 2:
flight_miles = 15
elif flights_purchased == 3:
flight_miles = 30
elif flights_purchased > 3:
flight_miles = 60
#critical line - if you do not return this value, flight_miles will not be in main
return flight_miles
def output_flight_tier(flight_miles):
if flight_miles == 0:
print("You haven't flown with us yet, so you don't have a flight tier.")
elif flight_miles == 5:
print("You are in the economy airline tier")
elif flight_miles == 15:
print(" You are in the MVP airline tier")
elif flight_miles == 30:
print("You are in the MVP GOLD airline tier")
elif flight_miles > 30:
print("You are in the MVP GOLD tier!")
def final_evaluation(flights, output_flight_tier):
evaluation = ""
#need an equal sign in one of these two conditions, as if flights = 15, evaluation will remain ""
#for example, if flights <= 15 instead of flights < 15
if flights < 15:
evaluation = "You are not a frequent flyer"
elif flights > 15:
evaluation = "You are a frequent flyer"
return evaluation
# the parameters of the subprogram must match the values used in the subprogram
# the parameters should be values, not other subprograms
def output_point(flights_purchased, flights, final_evaluation):
print("The number of flights you have purchased is ", flights_purchased)
print(" The total # of miles earned from flights you have purchased is ", flights)
print("The final evaluation is", final_evaluation)
def main():
flights_purchased = 0
flight_miles = 0
evaluation = ""
flights_purchased = get_flights_purchased()
flight_miles = calculate_flight_miles_earned(flights_purchased)
#changed flights to flight_miles
evaluation = final_evaluation(flight_miles, output_flight_tier)
#changed parameters to match the parameters of output_point
output_point(flights_purchased, flight_miles, evaluation)