定义: 课程涵盖特定主题,它由模块组成。例如,sap课程有10个模块,例如:模块1:它是什么?,模块2:如何使用它?...
public class Course : AggregateRoot
private string title;
private List<Module> modules;
- 我已将enroll方法创建为static,并将构造函数设置为private。
- 我已经提供了更多与课程相关的参数以及教师。当然是老师和实体吗?
- 我创建状态当然是在模块完成时更新它这样我不必阅读所有模块来了解它。好吗?
- 我如何为标题和描述等每个模块传递更多信息?并且是课程实体如何创建所有模块,对吗?
public class StudentEnrolment: AggregateRoot
private StudentId studentId;
private Course courses;
private constructor(
StudentId studentId,
Course course,
this.studentId= studentId;
this.courses[] = course;
public statuc function enroll(
StudentId studentId,
CourseId courseId,
string courseTitle,
string courseLink,
string teacherId,
string teacherName,
List<Tuple<ModuleId, string>> modules) {
teacher = new Teacher(...);
courseStatus = new courseStatus();
new course(courseTitle, courseLink, courseStatus, teacher);
return new self(studentId, course);
public function void uploadModuleHomework(ModuleId moduleId, Homework homework){
/* forward to course.uploadModuleHomework */
public boolean isCourseFinished(){
/* forward to course.isFinished */
public List<Tuple<ModuleId, string>> getModules(){
/* forward to course.getModules */
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public class Course: AggregateRoot
private string title;
private List<ModuleId> modules;
public class StudentEnrolment: AggregateRoot
private StudentId studentId;
private Course course;
private List<Homework> homeworks;
// initialize a student enrolment as public constructor or make constructor private and use a static method
// here is important to notice that only this AR creates its entities, it does not receive them as parameter
public constructor(
StudentId studentId,
Course course,
List<Module> modules){
this.studentId = studentId;
this.course = course;
//build the the homeworks entity list based on the modules parameter
//for each module create a Homework entity, that initially is not uploaded, like:
this.homeworks = modules.map(module => new Homework(module))
public function void uploadFileForHomework(ModuleId moduleId, string file){
/* find the homework by module Id and upload file*/
public boolean isCourseFinished(){
/*returns true if all homeworks are uploaded*/
/*optimization: you could have a status that is updated when a homework's file is uploaded*/
public List<Tuple<ModuleId, string, boolean>> getHomeworks(){
/* returns a list of readonly Homeworks, i.e. Tuple<ModuleId, string /*module title*/, boolean /*is uploaded*/> */
public class Homework: Entity
private Module module;
private string file;
public constructor(Module module){
this.module = module;
public void upload(string file){ this.file = file;}
public boolean isUploaded(){return (boolean)this.file;}
public string getUploadedFile(){return this.file;}
public ModuleId getModuleId(){return this.module.getId();}
public class Course: ValueObject
private string title;
private CourseId id;
public constructor(id, title){...}
public string getTitle(){return this.title;}
public string getId(){return this.title;}
public class Module: ValueObject
private string title;
private string description;
private ModuleId id;
public constructor(id, title, description){...}
public string getTitle(){return this.title;}
public string getDescription(){return this.description;}
public string getId(){return this.title;}