
时间:2018-05-20 04:16:15

标签: c recursion int bitwise-operators square-root


int ft_sqrt(int nb){
    int smallcandidate;
    int largecandidate;

    if (nb < 0){
        return (0);
    }else if (nb < 2){
        return (nb);
        smallcandidate = ft_sqrt(nb >> 2) << 1;
        largecandidate = smallcandidate + 1;

        if (largecandidate * largecandidate > nb){

            return (smallcandidate);
            return (largecandidate);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


#include <stdio.h>

unsigned isqrt(unsigned x)
    unsigned quot = 1, mean = x; /* isqrt must be between these two */
    /* we begin with extreme numbers and for each pair of (quot,mean),
     * the first, below the square root, and the other above, we get 
     * mean value of the two (lesser than previous) and the
     * quotient (above the prev. value, but still less than the 
     * square root, so closer to it) to get a better approach */
    while (quot < mean) {
        mean = (mean + quot) >> 1;
        quot = x / mean;
    /* quot is always <= mean so finally it should be the same,
     * we can return quot or mean, indistinctly. */
    return mean;

int main() /* main test function, eliminate to use the above. */
    unsigned n;
    while (scanf("%u", &n) == 1) {
        printf("isqrt(%u) ==> %u\n", n, isqrt(n));


该算法基于几何平均值总是比算术平均值更接近1的事实。所以我们采用两个近似值(源数和1,因为它们的几何平均值是平方根)然后我们计算它们的算术平均值(所以获得的值在两者之间,因此,更接近几何平均值)然后我们将原始值除算术平均数,因此两个aproximations乘以原始数据(并且它们的几何平均值也是平方根)。因为,在每个循环中,算术平均值更接近几何平均值,因此必须是商(因此几何平均数的商),导致两个数字更接近平方根。我们继续算法,直到两个数字相等(a / sqrt(a) = sqrt(a)(sqrt(a) + sqrt(a))/2 = sqrt(a)),或者由于舍入误差,它们会交叉。 ---这发生在整数---