运行代码后出现问题如下。 工作簿受到保护和共享,请考虑Excel不允许您以共享模式插入图像文件。
目标是在将图像调整大小并放入先前选定的单元格后,将图像放在工作簿上。 问题是,事实上,一切都运行到这一点,但在保存工作簿,关闭程序并重新打开它之后,没有图像存在,也没有调整单元格的大小。 此外,工作簿不再处于共享模式(这是许多用户使用此文件的基础)。
Sub Button22_Click()
If ActiveWorkbook.MultiUserEditing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ""
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Now exclusive"
End If
Selection.Rows.RowHeight = 90
Selection.Columns.ColumnWidth = 25
Dim fName As String
Dim pic As Picture
Dim r As Range
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:="Images (*.jpg;*.gif;*.png),*.jpg;*.gif;*.png", _
Title:="Please select an image...")
If fName = "False" Then Exit Sub
Set r = ActiveCell
Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fName)
With pic
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Left = r.Left
.Top = r.Top
.Width = r.Width
.Height = r.Height
End With
If TypeName(Selection) = "Picture" Then
Application.SendKeys "%a~"
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PicturesCompress"
End If
Dim Password As String
Password = ""
ActiveSheet.Protect _
Password:=(Password), _
AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _
AllowFormattingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingColumns:=True, _
AllowInsertingRows:=True, _
If Not ActiveWorkbook.MultiUserEditing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ActiveWorkbook.Name, accessmode:=xlShared
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Now Shared"
End If
End Sub