GlowScript 2.7 VPython
#Start without running
running = False
#when "Run" is initiated
def Run(b):
#Bring in running variable from outside
global running
#When Run/Pause Button is pressed, switch between running and pausing the program
running = not running
#When run button is pressed, change text to "Pause"
if running: bbutton.text = "Pause"
#When pause button is pressed, change text to "Run"
else: bbutton.text = "Run"
#Create Run Button above program
bbutton = button(text="Run", pos=scene.title_anchor, bind=Run)
#When "Reset" is initiated
def Reset(c):
#Bring in t and ball variables from outside
global t, ball
#Set back to time = 0 (when reset)
t = 0
#Reset ball's position to initial position (when reset)
ball.pos = vec(0,2,0)
#resets ball's velocity to initial velocity (when reset)
ball.vel = vec(0,0,0)
#Create reset button above program
cbutton = button(text="Reset", pos=scene.title_anchor, bind=Reset)
#Create ground
ground = box(pos=vec(0,0,0), size=vec(10,0.2,10))
#Create ball
ball = sphere(pos=vec(0,2,0), radius=0.4, color=color.yellow)
#Initial Velocity
ball.vel = vec(0,0,0)
#Acceleration (free-falling)
g = -9.8
#Initial Time
t = 0
#Time increase per frame
deltat = 0.01
#Turns "drag" condition to false to begin
drag = False
#Initial mouse position
R = vec(0,0,0)
#When you click
scene.bind("mousedown", def():
#Bring in drag variable from outside
global drag
#Set drag to true on mouseclick
drag = True
#When you release click
scene.bind("mouseup", def():
#Bring in drag variable from outside
global drag
#Set drag to false when you release click
drag = False
#While True (the program is running) and the ball is higher than slightly under the ground
#If the second condition is not there, the ball will continually go down through the ground forever
#The second condition stops the ball once it begins going underneath the platform, so it looks normal
while True and ball.pos.y > ground.pos.y + 0.48:
#Slow down program
#When the drag condition is true (When mouse is clicked on ball)...
if drag:
#Set R to position of mouse
R = scene.mouse.pos
#Set ball position to R (position of mouse) -- allows the ball to be dragged (changes ball position)
ball.pos = R
#When the program is running (run button is pressed)...
if running:
#Update ball velocity
# v = v0 + a (change in time)
ball.vel.y = ball.vel.y + g*deltat
#Update position velocity
# x = x0 + v *(change in time)
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.vel*deltat
#When the ball hits the surface of the ground...
if (ball.pos.y <= ground.pos.y + 0.5):
#Change the sign of the velocity (to go back up)
ball.vel.y = -ball.vel.y
if (ball.pos.y < ground.pos.y +0.48):
#Update time
t = t + deltat
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def Reset(c):
#Bring in t and ball variables from outside
global t, ball
#Set back to time = 0 (when reset)
t = 0
#Reset ball's position to initial position (when reset)
ball.pos = vec(0,2,0)
#resets ball's velocity to initial velocity (when reset)
ball.vel = vec(0,0,0)
def Initiate():
global ground, ball, g, t, deltat, drag, R
while True and ball.pos.y > ground.pos.y + 0.48:
#Slow down program
#When the drag condition is true (When mouse is clicked on ball)...
if drag:
#Set R to position of mouse
R = scene.mouse.pos
#Set ball position to R (position of mouse) -- allows the ball to be dragged (changes ball position)
ball.pos = R
#When the program is running (run button is pressed)...
if running:
#Update ball velocity
# v = v0 + a (change in time)
ball.vel.y = ball.vel.y + g*deltat
#Update position velocity
# x = x0 + v *(change in time)
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.vel*deltat
#When the ball hits the surface of the ground...
if (ball.pos.y <= ground.pos.y + 0.5):
#Change the sign of the velocity (to go back up)
ball.vel.y = -ball.vel.y
if (ball.pos.y < ground.pos.y +0.48):
#Update time
t = t + deltat
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