答案 0 :(得分:4)
>>> app = Application.Start('Notepad')
>>> app.UntitledNotepad.MenuItem("Edit -> Replace").Select()
>>> app.Replace.print_control_identifiers()
Control Identifiers:
Static - 'Fi&nd what:' (L1456, T336, R1528, B349)
'Fi&nd what:' 'Fi&nd what:Static' 'Static' 'Static0' 'Static1'
Edit - '' (L1531, T332, R1702, B352)
'Edit' 'Edit0' 'Edit1' 'Fi&nd what:Edit'
Static - 'Re&place with:' (L1456, T363, R1528, B376)
'Re&place with:' 'Re&place with:Static' 'Static2'
Edit - '' (L1531, T360, R1702, B380)
'Edit2' 'Re&place with:Edit'
Button - 'Match &case' (L1458, T422, R1547, B442)
'CheckBox2' 'Match &case' 'Match &caseCheckBox'
Button - '&Find Next' (L1711, T328, R1786, B351)
'&Find Next' '&Find NextButton' 'Button' 'Button0' 'Button1'
Button - '&Replace' (L1711, T355, R1786, B378)
'&Replace' '&ReplaceButton' 'Button2'
Button - 'Replace &All' (L1711, T383, R1786, B406)
'Button3' 'Replace &All' 'Replace &AllButton'
Button - 'Cancel' (L1711, T410, R1786, B433)
'Button4' 'Cancel' 'CancelButton'
>>> app.Replace.PrintControlIdentifiers()
Control Identifiers:
Static - 'Fi&nd what:' (L1456, T336, R1528, B349)
'Fi&nd what:' 'Fi&nd what:Static' 'Static' 'Static0' 'Static1'
Edit - '' (L1531, T332, R1702, B352)
'Edit' 'Edit0' 'Edit1' 'Fi&nd what:Edit'
Static - 'Re&place with:' (L1456, T363, R1528, B376)
'Re&place with:' 'Re&place with:Static' 'Static2'
Edit - '' (L1531, T360, R1702, B380)
'Edit2' 'Re&place with:Edit'
Button - 'Match &case' (L1458, T422, R1547, B442)
'CheckBox2' 'Match &case' 'Match &caseCheckBox'
Button - '&Find Next' (L1711, T328, R1786, B351)
'&Find Next' '&Find NextButton' 'Button' 'Button0' 'Button1'
Button - '&Replace' (L1711, T355, R1786, B378)
'&Replace' '&ReplaceButton' 'Button2'
Button - 'Replace &All' (L1711, T383, R1786, B406)
'Button3' 'Replace &All' 'Replace &AllButton'
Button - 'Cancel' (L1711, T410, R1786, B433)
'Button4' 'Cancel' 'CancelButton'
Windows Media Player很可能不使用“标准”Win32对话框。但是打开对话框应该很容易..
>>> wmp = Application.Start(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe')
>>> wmp.WindowsMediaPlayer.TypeKeys("^O")
<pywinauto.controls.win32_controls.DialogWrapper object at 0x027CCDB0>
>>> wmp.Open.PrintControlIdentifiers()
Control Identifiers:
DUIViewWndClassName - '' (L200, T187, R1152, B590)
'DUIViewWndClassName' 'Files of &type:DUIViewWndClassName'
DirectUIHWND - '' (L200, T187, R1152, B590)
'DirectUIHWND' 'DirectUIHWND0' 'DirectUIHWND1' 'Files of &type:DirectUIHWND' 'Files of &type
:DirectUIHWND0' 'Files of &type:DirectUIHWND1'
CtrlNotifySink - '' (L201, T217, R426, B590)
'CtrlNotifySink' 'CtrlNotifySink0' 'CtrlNotifySink1' 'Files of &type:CtrlNotifySink' 'Files
of &type:CtrlNotifySink0' 'Files of &type:CtrlNotifySink1'
NamespaceTreeControl - 'Namespace Tree Control' (L201, T217, R426, B590)
'Namespace Tree Control' 'Namespace Tree Control0' 'Namespace Tree Control1' 'Namespace Tree
ControlNamespaceTreeControl' 'NamespaceTreeControl'
SysTreeView32 - 'Tree View' (L201, T217, R426, B590)
'Tree View' 'Tree ViewTreeView' 'TreeView'
CtrlNotifySink - '' (L429, T217, R1152, B590)
'CtrlNotifySink3' 'Files of &type:CtrlNotifySink2'
SHELLDLL_DefView - 'ShellView' (L429, T217, R1152, B590)
'SHELLDLL_DefView' 'ShellView' 'ShellViewSHELLDLL_DefView'
DirectUIHWND - '' (L429, T217, R1152, B590)
'DirectUIHWND2' 'Files of &type:DirectUIHWND2'
Static - 'File &name:' (L330, T603, R384, B618)
'File &name:' 'File &name:Static' 'Static2'
ComboBoxEx32 - '' (L389, T599, R935, B623)
'ComboBoxEx' 'File &name:ComboBoxEx'
ComboBox - '' (L389, T599, R935, B623)
'ComboBox' 'ComboBox0' 'ComboBox1' 'File &name:ComboBox' 'File &name:ComboBox0' 'File &name:
Edit - '' (L393, T604, R917, B619)
'Edit' 'File &name:Edit'
Static - 'Files of &type:' (L200, T152, R200, B152)
'Files of &type:' 'Files of &type:Static' 'Files of &type:Static0' 'Files of &type:Static1'
ComboBox - 'Media files (all types)' (L947, T599, R1135, B622)
'ComboBox2' 'File &name:ComboBox2' 'Files of &type:ComboBox'
Button - '&Open' (L947, T628, R1035, B654)
'&Open' '&OpenButton' 'Button' 'Button0' 'Button1'
Button - 'Cancel' (L1047, T628, R1135, B654)
'Button2' 'Cancel' 'CancelButton'
ScrollBar - '' (L1137, T651, R1152, B666)
'CancelScrollBar' 'ScrollBar3'
WorkerW - '' (L200, T152, R1152, B187)
'Files of &type:WorkerW' 'WorkerW'
ReBarWindow32 - '' (L200, T152, R1152, B187)
'Files of &type:ReBar' 'ReBar'
TravelBand - '' (L200, T152, R270, B184)
'Files of &type:TravelBand' 'TravelBand'
ToolbarWindow32 - '' (L202, T154, R270, B184)
'Files of &type:Toolbar' 'Files of &type:Toolbar0' 'Files of &type:Toolbar1' 'Toolbar' 'Tool
bar0' 'Toolbar1'
Address Band Root - '' (L270, T156, R944, B179)
'Address Band Root' 'Files of &type:Address Band Root'
msctls_progress32 - '' (L272, T157, R942, B178)
'Files of &type:Progress' 'Progress'
Breadcrumb Parent - '' (L272, T157, R898, B178)
'Breadcrumb Parent' 'Files of &type:Breadcrumb Parent'
ToolbarWindow32 - 'Address: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Media Player' (L272, T157, R898, B178
'Address: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Media Player' 'Address: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\
Windows Media PlayerToolbar' 'Toolbar2'
ToolbarWindow32 - '' (L898, T157, R942, B178)
'Files of &type:Toolbar2' 'Toolbar3'
UniversalSearchBand - '' (L948, T156, R1152, B179)
'Files of &type:UniversalSearchBand' 'UniversalSearchBand'
Search Box - '' (L948, T156, R1152, B179)
'Files of &type:Search Box' 'Search Box'
SearchEditBoxWrapperClass - '' (L953, T156, R1147, B179)
'Files of &type:SearchEditBoxWrapperClass' 'SearchEditBoxWrapperClass'
DirectUIHWND - '' (L953, T156, R1147, B179)
'DirectUIHWND3' 'Files of &type:DirectUIHWND3'
>>> wmp.Open.FilenameEdit.TypeKeys(r"c:\your_file_name.mp3")
<pywinauto.controls.win32_controls.EditWrapper object at 0x027CCC50>
>>> wmp.Open.Open.Click()
Edit - '' (L393, T604, R917, B619)
'Edit' 'File &name:Edit'
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我可以访问3ds max 2015中“选择要导出的文件”中的“文件名”:
import pywinauto
from time import sleep
pwa_app = pywinauto.application.Application()
# pwa_app.start('{app} {path}\{scene}'.format(app=BINARY_PATH, path=TEST_PATH, scene=TEST_SCENE))
export_dlg_handles = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u'Select File to Export', class_name='#32770')
if export_dlg_handles:
export_dlg = pwa_app.window_(handle=export_dlg_handles[0])
Control Identifiers:
Static - 'Save &in:' (L172, T146, R258, B159)
'Save &in:' 'Save &in:Static' 'Static' 'Static0' 'Static1'
ComboBox - 'export' (L265, T142, R526, B166)
'ComboBox' 'ComboBox0' 'ComboBox1' 'Save &in:ComboBox'
ToolbarWindow32 - '' (L538, T142, R800, B165)
' Toolbar' 'Toolbar' 'Toolbar0' 'Toolbar1'
ToolbarWindow32 - '' (L172, T171, R259, B705)
'Save &in:Toolbar' 'Toolbar2'
SHELLDLL_DefView - '' (L265, T171, R857, B650)
'SHELLDLL_DefView' 'Save &in:SHELLDLL_DefView'
SysListView32 - 'FolderView' (L265, T171, R857, B650)
'FolderView' 'FolderViewListView' 'ListView'
SysHeader32 - '' (L265, T171, R857, B190)
'Header' 'Save &in:Header'
Static - 'File &name:' (L267, T664, R354, B677)
'File &name:' 'File &name:Static' 'Static3'
ComboBoxEx32 - '' (L361, T659, R762, B681)
'ComboBoxEx' 'File &name:ComboBoxEx'
ComboBox - '' (L361, T659, R762, B681)
'ComboBox2' 'File &name:ComboBox'
Edit - '' (L365, T664, R742, B677)
'Edit' 'File &name:Edit'
Static - 'Save as &type:' (L267, T690, R354, B703)
'Save as &type:' 'Save as &type:Static' 'Static4'
ComboBox - 'Autodesk (*.FBX)' (L361, T687, R762, B708)
'ComboBox3' 'Save as &type:ComboBox'
Button - '&Save' (L782, T659, R857, B682)
'&Save' '&SaveButton' 'Button' 'Button0' 'Button1'
Button - 'Cancel' (L782, T685, R857, B708)
'Button2' 'Cancel' 'CancelButton'
ScrollBar - '' (L848, T699, R865, B716)
'CancelScrollBar' 'ScrollBar'
#32770 - '' (L166, T102, R865, B716)
'#32770' 'Save &in:#32770'
Static - ' ' (L166, T135, R721, B520)
' ' ' Static2' 'Static5'
Static - '' (L715, T165, R715, B188)
' Static3' 'Static6'
Static - 'Thumbnail' (L906, T144, R957, B157)
'Static7' 'Thumbnail' 'ThumbnailStatic'
ComboBox - 'C:\\Users\\stas\\Documents\\3dsMax\\export' (L265, T109, R857, B130)
'ComboBox4' 'History:ComboBox'
Static - 'History:' (L219, T113, R255, B126)
'History:' 'History:Static' 'Static8'
Edit - '' (L365, T664, R742, B677)
'Edit' 'File &name:Edit'
Button - '&Save' (L782, T659, R857, B682)
'&Save' '&SaveButton' 'Button' 'Button0' 'Button1'
'编辑'和'按钮' - 访问控件的名称。
# Endter file name
# Wait one second
# Click to "Save" button
SetText(text, pos_start=None, pos_end=None)
Set the text of the edit control