tell application "Finder"
set fl to files of folder POSIX file "/Users/abc/folder" as alias list
end tell
repeat with f in fl
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open f
set theActiveDoc to the active document
end tell
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "a" using command down
keystroke "c" using command down
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set filename to name of f
set the_path to POSIX file "/Users/abc/folder2/" & filename
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Word"
close theActiveDoc saving no
set new_document to make new document
paste special (text object of selection) data type paste text
save as new_document file name the_path
close active document
end tell
end repeat
将the_path设置为(POSIX文件" / Users / abc / folder2 /"作为文本)&文件名
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是一条完全不同的路线。此解决方案完全绕过必须使用Microsoft Word。我已将此脚本配置为遍历指定文件夹中的每个文件(假设此文件夹中的所有文件都是Microsoft Word文档,纯文本文件或富文本文件)...获取每个文件的内容,并且在新文件夹中创建一个包含该内容的新.docx文件
on open theFiles2
-- Handle the case where the script is launched by dropping
-- file or folders onto this applet's icon
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to files of entire contents of folder theFiles2 as alias list
end tell
repeat with aFile from 1 to count of theFiles
set thisFile to item aFile of theFiles
set thisFile2 to thisFile
set thisFile to POSIX path of thisFile
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of thisFile2
set fileName to (characters -5 thru 1) of fileName as string
set thePath to (path to desktop as text) & fileName
set newFolder to make new folder ¬
at (path to desktop) ¬
with properties {name:fileName}
end try
end tell
set thePath to POSIX path of alias thePath
set theScript to do shell script "textutil -convert docx " & quoted form of ¬
thisFile & " -output " & quoted form of thePath & quoted form of fileName & ".docx"
end repeat
end open
on run
-- Handle the case where the script is launched without any dropped files
set sourceFolder to display dialog ¬
"Would You Like To Choose A Folder With All Of Its Contents Or Individual Files Within A Folder?" buttons {"Cancel", "Select Files", "Select Folder"} ¬
default button 3 ¬
cancel button ¬
"Cancel" with title ¬
"withTitleText" with icon 1 ¬
giving up after 20
if button returned of sourceFolder is "Select Folder" then
set sourceFolder to ((choose folder) as text)
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to files of entire contents of folder sourceFolder as alias list
end tell
repeat with aFile from 1 to count of theFiles
set thisFile to item aFile of theFiles
set thisFile2 to thisFile
set thisFile to POSIX path of thisFile
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of thisFile2
set fileName to (characters -5 thru 1) of fileName as string
end try
set thePath to (path to desktop as text) & fileName
set newFolder to make new folder ¬
at (path to desktop) ¬
with properties {name:fileName}
end try
end tell
set thePath to POSIX path of alias thePath
set theScript to do shell script "textutil -convert docx " & quoted form of ¬
thisFile & " -output " & quoted form of thePath & quoted form of fileName & ".docx"
end repeat
else if button returned of sourceFolder is "Select Files" then
set theFiles to choose file with prompt ¬
"Choose Files" invisibles false ¬
multiple selections allowed true ¬
as text
repeat with aFile from 1 to count of theFiles
set thisFile to item aFile of theFiles
set thisFile2 to thisFile
set thisFile to POSIX path of thisFile
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of thisFile2
set fileName to (characters -5 thru 1) of fileName as string
end try
set thePath to (path to desktop as text) & fileName
set newFolder to make new folder ¬
at (path to desktop) ¬
with properties {name:fileName}
end try
end tell
set thePath to POSIX path of alias thePath
set theScript to do shell script "textutil -convert docx " & quoted form of ¬
thisFile & " -output " & quoted form of thePath & quoted form of fileName & ".docx"
end repeat
end if
end run
这段代码可能有点草率,可能有一个更好的解决方案但是...它似乎在我运行最新版本的macOS High Sierra的系统上运行良好