
时间:2018-05-11 10:51:52

标签: purescript

我一直在尝试下一个purescript ver 0.12.0-rc1 我有一个问题如何使用新功能'实例链' 在我的理解中,实例链提供了一个能够明确指定实例解析顺序的功能。这解决了避免实例定义重叠的问题。


class A a
class B b
class C c where
  c :: c -> String

instance ca :: A a => C a where
  c = const "ca"
instance cb :: B b => C b where
  c = const "cb"

data X = X
instance bx :: B X

main :: forall eff. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit
main = logShow $ c X


什么不正确? 或者实例链的用法是什么?


Error found:
in module Main
at src/Main.purs line 23, column 8 - line 23, column 20

  No type class instance was found for

Main.A X

while applying a function c
  of type C t0 => t0 -> String
  to argument X
while inferring the type of c X
in value declaration main

where t0 is an unknown type

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



实例链允许您定义实例解析的显式排序,而不依赖于例如名称的字母顺序等(因为它已经完成,直到0.12.0版本 - please check the third paragraph here)。例如,您可以定义此重叠方案:

class IsRecord a where
   isRecord :: a -> Boolean

instance a_isRecordRecord :: IsRecord (Record a) where
   isRecord _ = true

instance b_isRecordOther :: IsRecord a where
   isRecord _ = false


instance isRecordRecord :: IsRecord (Record a) where
   isRecord _ = true
else instance isRecordOther :: IsRecord a where
   isRecord _ = false

我希望它能编译 - 我还没有purs-0.12.0-rc; - )