select customerId, dayofyear(date) - lag(dayofyear(date)) over(partition by customerId order by date) as Differenz,
case when (dayofyear(date) - lag(dayofyear(date)) over(partition by customerId order by date)) <= 9 then "weekly buyer"
when (dayofyear(date) - lag(dayofyear(date)) over(partition by customerId order by date)) between 10 and 19 then "every two weeks"
when (dayofyear(date) - lag(dayofyear(date)) over(partition by customerId order by date)) between 20 and 40 then "monthly buyer"
when (dayofyear(date) - lag(dayofyear(date)) over(partition by customerId order by date)) > 40 then "occastional buyer"
else null
end as Einstufung
from orders
order by customerId, date
客户可以多次订购,因此customerId =每周,每周和每月订单1次。总而言之,他是一个狡猾的买家。我怎样才能在sql中定义它?