
时间:2018-04-30 22:20:10

标签: python class




-------- MASTERMIND --------

from random import choice, sample #importing these for list generation and list randomization

game_active = True
color_choices = ["r","g","b","y","o","p"]   #choices for the player and computer
player_color_guess = ["","","",""]  #player inputed colors
computer_color_guess = [choice(color_choices),choice(color_choices),choice(color_choices),choice(color_choices)]    #generates random 4 choices for the computer
guesses = 0 #keeps track of number of guesses

def you_win():  #function for winning the game
    return("You beat the codemaker in " + str(guesses) + " guesses! Great job!")
    return("Press any key to exit")

def clean_list(ugly_list):  #function that cleans the brackets and other symbols from a list

print("Welcome to Mastermind!\n\n----------------------\n\nI will make a code of four colors: \nRed(r)\nGreen(g)\nBlue(b)\nYellow(y)\nOrange(o)\nPurple(p)\nGuess the combination of colors. If you get the correct color and the correct place you will get a '+', if you guess \nthe correct color and the wrong place you will get a '~', otherwise you will get a '-'. \nThe position of the symbols do not correlate to the positions of the colors.")

while game_active:  
    #making main loop for the game
    player_guess_symbols = []
    #this is to store the first output of symbols, not mixed
    num_correct = 0    #to store number of correct guesses

    player_color_guess = str(input("\nInput four colors, separated by a comma.\n>>>  ").split(','))     #actual player input
    guesses += 1    #every time the player does this it adds one to guess variable

    '''except ValueError:
        print("{} is not a valid input.".format(player_color_guess))'''

    for clr in range(0,4):  #looping through first four numbers: 0,1,2,3
        if computer_color_guess[clr] == player_color_guess[clr]: #takes the index clr and compares it to the player guess
            num_correct += 1

        elif computer_color_guess[clr] in player_color_guess:   #checks if computer guess is in player guess


    if guesses > 10:    #this is to check the number of guesses, and see if the player wins
        print("You failed to guess the code in 8 guesses or under! The correct code was " + clean_list(computer_color_guess) + ". Press any key to exit")
        break   #not sure if this is the right place for a break statement

    player_guess_symbols_mixed = sample(player_guess_symbols, len(player_guess_symbols))    
    #this mixes the symbol output each time so the placement of the symbols is not a pattern

    if num_correct > 3: #checks of player wins


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


通常这种事情并不适合Stack Overflow,但我会尝试给你一些提示。


    player_color_guess = str(input("\nInput four colors, separated by a comma.\n>>>  ").split(','))     #actual player input
    guesses += 1    #every time the player does this it adds one to guess variable
except ValueError:
    print("{} is not a valid input.".format(player_color_guess))
    continue  # go back to while



class GuessState:  # could easily call this MastermindState or what-have-you
    guesses = 0
    computer_guess = []
    player_guess = []  # could be a good place to story a history of player guesses 


    def __init__(self):
         self.computer_guess = [ ... etc ... ]


    def check_player_guess(self, guess):
         # check self.computer_guess against guess
         # maybe increment self.guesses here too
         # maybe return True if the guess was correct?

    def scramble_player_guess(self):
         return sample(self.player_guess, len(player_guess))


state = GuessState()

     player_guess = str(input... etc ...)  # might also be a good thing to put in a function

     if state.check_player_guess(player_guess):
          print "win in {}".format(state.guesses)

     if state.out_of_guesses():
          print "lose"
          break  # is actually pretty reasonable

     print state.scramble_player_guess()

您当然需要实施check_player_guessout_of_guesses :)这有助于将用户输入与游戏逻辑以及您打印出来的内容分开。它不是所有的方式 - 例如它需要做更多的工作才能让它更容易放入图形界面而不是基于文本的界面 - 但它更接近。

你可以争论正确地做这件事的正确方法,你可以查看编辑历史记录,看看我在编写这篇文章的过程中经历的一些变化 - 有时你不会&#39直到你离开一点之后才看东西。这有帮助吗?